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雅思口语Part 2新题预测:举办派对

举办派对 Describe a party you want to hold for someone.

where you would do it

how you would do it

hat arrangements would need to be done for the party

and explain why would you do that.

雅思口语part 2话题参考范文


口语part 2范文内容:我想为我的一个朋友在他生日那天做的惊喜派对。明年2月,他将转到26岁,我将在他的家里为他举办一个完全惊喜的派对。他是我的一个很好的朋友,我记得他帮助过我很多次。

It is not always easy to organise a surprise party and I did organise such 3-4 surprise parties for my family members and friends. The surprise party I would like to do is for one of my friends on his birthday. He is going to turn to 26 next February and I'd through a completely surprise party for him at his home.

There is a good chance that his family members would organise a birthday celebration on the day, so my planning would be to through it at 12:01 am at night. I would keep everything secret from him and would let only 2-3 friends know about the planning of the party who would also participate in organising it. We would buy a big birthday cake and birthday candles in the evening and 6-7 friends would gather together. We will buy our individual gifts for him and would go to him home exactly at 12:00 am. We will then notify his mother and would let her know that we are planning a surprise party for him. At exactly 12:01 am we'll enter his house and probably there would be a lot of shouting and birthday wishing. That would be a big surprise to my friend as he would have no clue about our arrival at his home on his birthday.

He is a very good friend of mine and I remember him to be very supportive to me in several times. A birthday is a very special day for a person and people become very happy when he finds that people who care him also celebrates and congratulates him on special occasions like a birthday or a wedding ceremony. I would organise the surprise party to make him happy and to enjoy the occasion.

雅思口语part 3

• What are the differences between serious party and friendly party?

• Why are some people late for parties intentionally?

• Why do some people like the party while others hate it?

• What would you do if the guests feel bored?

• Will there be more and more people to attend parties?

雅思口语Part 2新题预测:购物街道

购物街道 Describe a shopping street you would like to go.

– What is this place?

– Where is it situated?

– Why is it so popular?

雅思口语Part 2范文:购物街道



The shop, named as “The Daily Shop”, is located in the middle of the street where I live in the city of Samsun in Turkey. This is a large superstore and sells a wide variety of goods and products. The shop has some positive aspects. First of all, it is accessible from any part of the city for its geographical location. Further, the inner decoration of the shop is also adorable and attracts customers a lot.

The shop is for everyone and sells numerous types of goods. But I have noticed the number of males is more than any other types of people. I think there are several reasons behind the increased number of males in this shop.

The shop mostly sells the daily necessaries like the canned foods, toiletries, cosmetics, fruits, groceries, vegetables, dairy products, fish, packaged foods, various types of meats like beef, chicken, soft beverages like juice and numerous other goods. Most importantly, all the goods are sold in a good state and quality of each of the products is ensured.

I frequently visit the shop as it is adjacent to my residence. And it has become a habit for me to check some of the parts of the shop to know the latest updates about the products like toiletries and perfumes.

雅思口语Part 2新题预测:生气体验

生气体验 Describe a situation that made you angry.

You should say

- when it happened

- what happened

- how you felt

雅思口语Part 2范文:不常用的东西

主题: 交通堵塞


A recent situation that made me angry was getting stuck in a traffic jam on the way to meet some friends. It was last Sunday lunchtime, and I didn’t expect there to be much traffic; people don’t work on Sundays, so the roads aren’t usually very busy.

Everything was going well until suddenly I saw a queue of cars on the road in front of me. I had no choice but to join the queue and wait to get past whatever was causing the delay. It turned out that it was caused by some roadworks, and it took me an extra 30 minutes to get past them.

Getting stuck in traffic congestion doesn’t usually make me angry, but this time it did, mainly because I wasn’t expecting it and I knew that my friends were waiting to meet me for lunch. I felt frustrated and powerless because there was nothing I could do to change the situation, and I had no idea how long I would be sitting there waiting. When I finally saw the reason for the congestion, I was relieved that I was close to getting past the roadworks, but I still felt a bit stressed knowing that I was half an hour late.


