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1.How often do you use the computer?

I use it on a daily basis. I mean, I can’t go a day without it now because I use it to do almost everything, like searching for information, keeping in touch with friends, reading news and loosening up. My computer is a big part of my life now.

on a daily basis 每天

search for information 查询信息

keep in touch with … 和…保持联系

I can’t go a day without it 我完全离不开它

loosen up 放松

A big part of my life 我生活中非常重要的一部分

2.Who taught you how to use a computer?

Well, my memory's a bit sketchy now. I think it must have been my dad. If I remember correctly, he taught me how to type when I was a 4th grader. I remember thinking it was super difficult and I didn't want to learn it at all, but my dad told me that typing would be an essential skill in the future. He was right.

My memory’s a bit sketchy now 我的记忆有点模糊了

A 4th grader 四年级学生

3.Do you think computers have changed your life a lot?

Yes, definitely. The computer has changed my life dramatically. For starters, when I was a child, I used to play with my little friends outside every day and we always had a ball together. However, now, in my downtime, I just like to surf on the internet and social networking sites allow me to know what my friends are doing. Plus, I don’t even need to leave my apartment anymore when I want to buy something. With a click of the mouse, I can buy anything on the internet.

Has changed …dramatically 很大地改变了…

Had a ball 玩得很开心

In my downtime=in my spare time=in my free time=in my leisure time

social networking sites 社交网站

With a click of the mouse 轻点一下鼠标

4.What kinds of computers are popular in China?

I guess maybe office computers and laptops. For brand,I believe apple-brand computers take up a big market share among Chinese people.

5.What do you usually use your computer for?

你通常都用电脑来做什么?这个题并不难,总-分-细的答题模式,相信大家也不陌生,磊哥想说的是在互联网时代,电脑已经不仅仅是一台独立的机器,更多时候我们使用电脑都是与网络有关的,我们做的很多活动也都是因为网络才得以完成。所以我们可以这样作答:Well,with computers,I can do pretty much thing,like checking and writing e-mails,watching online movies,shopping and chatting online,searching for information...whatever you name it.And recently,I use computer to search information a lot,simply because I am to graduate from university and I need to finish my dissertation with a huge amount of information.

6. Have computers changed your life in any way?

Yes, computers have made considerable changes in my life. In fact, it improves efficiency at work. I can type words, figures or data through the keyboard of my computer, which is more efficient compared with handwriting. Furthermore, computers enrich my recreation activities and I can play video games or go shopping online.

7. Do you think computers are useful in everyday life?

Yes, it makes considerable changes to my life, like for example, I use it to connect to the Internet to communicate with friends through some instant messaging programmes, browse the web, download music and save them to my removable hard drive.

8. Do you think there are any disadvantages to using computers?

Yes, sitting in front of the computer screen for a long time has a detrimental effect on people’s health. You know, a sedentary lifestyle can cause some chronic diseases, like backache or something like that.

9. Computers are now used a lot in education. What do you think of this?

Computers may reduce efficiency and distract students’ attention. Without the supervision of parents and teachers, students may focus on playing computer games and getting addicted to it.

10.When did you start using computers?

I guess I was in elementary school when I first started to use them regularly. My parents had a computer at home, but I wasn't allowed to use it in those days. So I suppose I would have been about six years old when I first started using computers to do things.

11.What do you use computers for?

Nowadays, pretty much everything. I send and receive emails, use apps like Skype and Hangouts to chat with people, use the internet to do research as part of my studies and then of course there's all the entertainment available on the internet. I'm a big YouTube fan, sometimes I can spend hours watching stuff online.

12.Would you say computers are important?

Absolutely! They are irreplaceable now - I mean they're used in banks, business, airplanes, cars, virtually everything has some kind of computer which helps it operate - I don't know what we would do without them.

13.Do computers have much impact on your life?

They certainly make my life a lot easier most of the time- I mean banking and shopping online is so much quicker and more convenient than having to actually go to a bank or shop and do it all physically. I can achieve more in my life thanks to computers - all that information is instantly accessible on the internet, which makes so many things easier and I suppose the biggest impact of all is the way computers have really changed the way we live, the way we interact with each other and how we do things.

14.What computer skill(s) would you like to learn?

Yeah, I'd really like to learn computer animation and graphics someday, but I think it takes a long time to learn all the necessary techniques and then practice creating such things. It would be nice though, because it looks so interesting when you see someone else doing it.




1. Do you work or study?

· I graduated a few years ago and I’m now in full time employment.

2. What is your job?

· I’m currently an English teacher working for the British Council in Ho Chi Minh City.

3. Why did you choose that job?

· I was previously a lawyer and found it to be really stressful and never had any free time, so after quitting that job I thought teaching might be the complete opposite of being a lawyer, you know not as stressful and more time off.

4. Are there lots of English teachers in Ho Chi Minh City?

· Oh yes! There is a such a big demand for English as a second language here and it’s also quite a cheap place to live compared to many other big cities in Asia.

5. Do you enjoy your job?

· Most of the time. It’s very rewarding to be able to help people every day and the students here are very hardworking and fun to teach, but you sometimes have lessons that do go so well and the money could always be better.

6. Do you get on well with your co-workers?

· Yes, fine. I don’t really see work as part of my social life, so I don’t socialise with them, so I suppose I could be more friendly, but it’s just my nature to be a bit colder with colleagues. I think it’s more professional to be that way.

7. What was your first day at work like?

· There were lots of teachers starting at the same time as me, 10 I think, so we all had a big induction day. The more senior teachers ran workshops with us to familarise us with the different systems they had and then we went for a team dinner in the evening.

8. What responsibilities do you have at work?

· All of the teachers main responsibility is to plan good lessons and then teach them to the best of our ability. On top of that we have several admin. tasks to carry out like mark homework, fill out attendance sheets and write reports.

9. Would you like to change your job in the future?

· Yes, as I said before, I like working by myself, so I would like to be my own boss. I’m currently developing my own website, so if it’s successful I will leave teaching and work on it full time. This will also give me more time to work on other projects.

10. What is your typical day like in work?

· I normally have 2 or 3 classes in the evening and I start the day by doing all the planning at home. This normally takes between an hour or two depending on the lessons. I then take the rest of the day to spend with my family, before going to work around 3 to print off my materials and then I teach all evening.

11. What would you change about your job?

· As with most English teachers, we have to teach what is on the curriculum and this can mean that you are teaching some things that are quite boring or not very useful for your students, so I would like to have more freedom to teach outside the syllabus.

12. What do you do?

13. Presently, I am working with Fox Traveller as a host for their show that involves travelling around India and discovering its culture and people. We already have covered the southern part of India and now we shall be moving towards the eastern part. The show will go on air in January next year.

14. What are your responsibilities at your work place?

15. My main objective is to make sure that we get the information required. So, for instance, if we are travelling to Mysore, instead of talking about the places everyone goes, I need to make sure we cover the places no one ever has. Like the best and the cheapest place to eat. It requires lot of research and I mostly go to the place 10 days before our team arrives.

16. How many hours do you work each day?

17. Well, we don’t have any particular routine. Sometimes the work demands us to work ten hours, sometimes more than that, sometimes less. So, it is all on the location and the time it requires to give us the required information. Also, for me this is something that I love, so mostly work doesn’t seems like work.

18. Do you enjoy your work?

19. Oh! I love it. The feeling that you get after meeting so many people and talking with them and realizing how happy they are after all the issues they have. I remember we went out to shoot a village in Mysore and initially we thought the people would be very unhappy because of the limitations they had, but to our surprise they were all very happy and it was fun knowing their ways of living.

20. If given a chance to change your work place, would you do that?

21. At present, my workplace is great for me. I am loving the people I work with and enjoy the work that I am doing. So as of now, I don’t see myself changing the place. But, may be after some time, if the work is getting repetitive or there is no more learning for me, I may change.

22. Is there some other kind of work you would prefer to do?

23. I surely love the work that I do, but may be if time allows, instead of hosting shows I would prefer writing about my experiences of the places I visit. May be because when one writes a lot more gets expressed which is not possible why saying things off in television.

24. If you could change your profession, what would you do?

25. Well, I think may be I will open a company that gives equal education rights to people. While travelling, I realized that there are so many children who don’t get education, and even if they get it is not of good quality. So, I will open a business that provides good quality education to people who cannot afford it.

雅思口语题库part1必考话题:names 名字


1 How did your parents choose your name?

To be truthful, I’m not sure how they chose it; I’ve never asked them. I suppose it was just a name that they both liked, and maybe they thought it suited me.

2 Does your name have any special meaning?

版本1:I think it might do, but I don’t know what that meaning is; I’ve never looked it up. Maybe I’ll google it later today; you’ve made me curious to find out!

版本2:My name is definitely very special to me! Well, the name Peter itself has a special meaning and historical significance. The word 'Peter' was derived from a Greek word 'petros' which means 'stone' or 'rock'. Based on the New Testament, Jesus Christ gave the name Saint Peter to Simon and he later became the Saint Peter. Saint Peter, according to ancient tradition, became the first bishop of Rome. So religiously and historically this name bears a great significance, I presume.

3 Is your name common or unusual in your country?

Yes, it’s quite a common name. I remember that there were two other people with the same name as me in my class at school.

4 If you could change your name, would you?

Not at all, I definitely wouldn’t. My name is part of my identity now, and it would feel strange to suddenly change it. I don’t think my friends and family would like that either.

5 What is your (full) name? Does your name have any special meaning?

My full name is Nguyen Thi Hong. My parents gave me that name.In English, Hong means “Pink” which is a very bright color. So I guess my parents wanted to have a cheerful and successful life.

6 And what would you like me to call you?

A. Oh, you can call me by my first name which is Jincy.

7 What is the meaning of your given name?

A. I am not quite 100% sure but I heard from my mother that the meaning of my name is Cute. So I would infer that the word “Jincy” means something beautiful!

8 Does your name affect your personality?

A. I don’t believe that only a name can affect someone’s personality. My personality is quite a different arena and it has nothing to do with my name.

9 Why do so many people change their names?

版本1:I am not sure about other countries but in Vietnam, I think most people change their names because these names are not really appropriate nowadays.

版本2:Well, that's an interesting question and personally, I scarcely know my friends or relatives who have changed their names. But I am sure people mostly changes their names because they do not like their given name. Migration to other countries could be another prominent reason for people to change their names. For instance, I know a person who lives in London as Christopher whose original name was something like Lie Chim. Finally, changing someone's religion could be another reason for a name change. Personally, I would always like my given name and in no condition change it!!!

版本3:I am not sure about other countries but in Vietnam, I think most people change their names because these names are not really appropriate nowadays. In the past, most of Vietnamese parent wanted their children to have a short and funny name so that they could bring them up more easily. However, today it sounds quite odd and not appropriate and they believe that more suitable names will bring them good fortune. So I guess that is the most popular reason why people changed their names.

10 Is your name important to you?

A. Yes, definitely my name is truly important to me. This is the name that my parents gave to me and I would like to be 'Peter' for the rest of my life. I have known this name from the very first day I came to this world and the very sound Peter has quite a charming melody to my ears. I once heard that an average human hears his name the highest time in his lifetime. If this is true, I have heard the word 'Peter' more than any other word and I do not want to change my given name in any condition.


