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雅思口语part1新题之:Rainy days 变题不慌!

Rainy days题目参考答案:

1. Do you like rainy days?

No, not that much to be honest with you, because I mean, when it rains, you can’t really do anything outside, unless you don’t mind getting wet of course! And also for me, I find it a bit of a hassle carrying an umbrella around with me everywhere.

I find it a bit of a hassle = I find it an effort = 我觉得有点麻烦

2. What do you do on rainy days?

Well it kind of depends really, because there are some things I have to do regardless of whether it’s raining or not, you know, like going to lectures and stuff. But when I’m free, I tend to just chill out at home if it’s raining. So for example, I might read a book or watch TV, and I’ll only leave the flat if I absolutely have to!

Chill out = relax (used in spoken English)

3. Do you think rain is good?

Yeah, for sure. I mean, for one thing, it helps get rid of all the dust in the air. And secondly, it’s good for the natural environment. You know, it helps all the plants and vegetation stay alive. So although I don’t particularly like the rain, I understand the need for it!

Vegetation - 植物

4. Does rain ever affect transportation in your hometown?

Yeah, most definitely, because you know, whenever it rains, the traffic always seems to get a lot more congested. I’m not exactly sure why, but I guess it’s probably because cars have to drive slower in the rain.

Congested = 拥挤的,堵塞的

5. Is there any part of China where it doesn't rain much?

Yeah, I’d say there are quite a few areas of the country where it doesn’t rain a lot, the most obvious place being the Gobi Desert, which I guess never gets any rain, what with being a desert and all! And also I’d say the north of China, in general, doesn’t really get all that much rain, at least compared with the south, so a lot of that part of the country is quite dry and arid.

The Gobi Desert戈壁

What with it being a desert and all – 毕竟是个沙漠!

On the whole – 基本上,总的来说

Arid – 干燥

另一版本答案:To tell you the truth, I have no clue about this. I do not give a hoot about geography and the amount of rain in my country. I think the most rainfall is in the North where there is an intricate system of rivers.

6. What effects can a shortage of rain have on people’s lives?

Well thinking about it, I suppose one of the biggest affects it can have is on our food supply, because things like fruit and vegetables need water to grow, and rain provides the water. So you know I think it’s pretty safe to say that a shortage of rain is likely to result in a decrease in our overall food supply.

I think it’s pretty safe to say = 我觉得可以说……

Other effects:

It could result in a lack of drinking water

It could result in the government controlling how much water we can use. For example, I think I’m right in saying that in some parts of Australia, people can only spend a certain amount of time each day having a shower!

7. Can you remember a time when it rained particularly heavily in your hometown?

Yeah I can. About a year or so ago, we had, like, several days of torrential rain, almost non-stop, and so the whole of my neighbourhood got flooded. You know, the water was like, up to my knees, and so traffic came to a complete standstill. So yeah, that was probably the worst time I can remember.

About a year or so ago – 一年前左右

Like -(表示思考下面的话或用作口头禅) Some people say "like" when they are thinking about what to say next or because it has become their habit to say it. Torrential rain – 暴雨

The traffic came to a (complete) standstill 交通瘫痪了

So yeah – 所以嗯,所以说呢,(总结的时候可以用这话开头)

8. Do you think the seasons have changed in recent years, compared to the past?

Yeah I’d say they have. You know, I think it’s fair to say the summer has got quite a lot hotter, because I mean, it seems to be hitting 40 degrees every year now, and that definitely wasn’t the case in the past. And also the winter isn’t as cold as it used to be, because you know, if I think back to when I was a child, it used to snow quite a lot during the winter, but now it hardly snows at all.

I think it’s fair to say – 我觉得可以说

It hardly … at all – 几乎不……

that definitely wasn’t the case in the past – 以前绝不是这样的

9. Does it rain a lot in your hometown?

Well, it depends on the season. In winter and spring, there is a dearth of rain associated with the arid weather. In contrast, it is usually raining cats and dogs in summer and august, causing loads of troubles for people travelling on the road.

rainy days相关高分词汇

refreshing 新鲜的e.g.

>>> We find it refreshing to hang out after a rainy day. 雨过之后出门会觉得空气都很新鲜。

2 sticky 湿热的e.g.

>>> I could hardly bear the desperately hot, sticky days in the middle of August. 我几乎受不了8月中旬那种极其湿热的天气。

3 lightning 闪电e.g.

>>>Lightning usually accompanies thunder. 闪电常常伴有雷声。

The rain is coming down, and the lightning hits and there's thunder. 大雨倾盆,电闪雷鸣。

4 deluge 洪水n. 使泛滥v. e.g.

>>> The river deluges the region. 河水淹没了那个地区。

5 a dry spell 干旱,不下雨e.g.

>>> The dry spell quickly diminished our water supply. 干旱期使我们的供水量锐减。

雅思口语题库part1新题配范文:Leisure time(休闲时光)

1.Leisure time(休闲时光)参考答案:

1.What do you do in your spare time?

I love reading and writing when I have some free time available. Apart from these, I also like playing badminton. So, whenever I do get time, I usually read, write or play badminton.

2.What do you do to relax yourself?

For relaxation, I prefer taking a short nap. It could be either for 20 minutes or may be an hour. But, nothing helps me relax better than some sleep.

3.What do you usually spend your weekends?

During the weekdays, most part of the evenings usually gets lost doing the office work. But, during weekends, I work on my blog for the entire day and so during evenings I usually spend some time with my friends, going on long walks together or have dinner at their place.

4.What do you usually do after work or classes?

There is nothing much that can be done after work because it really becomes quite tiring. So, most of the times I am either working on my blog or writing something or some drafts, here and there.

5.Do you prefer staying at home or going out during evenings?

I love taking long walks. So, if I am not busy at something during evenings, I usually take long walks with my friends or for that matter even alone at times.

6.Do you think modern lifestyles give enough time to people for leisure?

I think it depends on the kind of modern lifestyle an individual is leading. So, a person doing a corporate job might have less time to spare for leisure activity but probably a person who does freelancing will find more time to leisure. Not because a work is less time consuming but because the way things get done in each. Even more, I think it all depends on how the person sets priorities for themselves.

7.Do you think people today have more time to relax as compared to that in past?

I certainly believe that people are more busy when compared with their past counterparts. Earlier people lived a content life but with changing times people are less satisfied with what they have and are always on the look out of doing more. This has made lives much more hectic than ever.

8.What do you think is the importance of leisure time in life?

Leisure is the one thing that makes the life worth living. I surely believe that apart from the daily mundane activities a person should always try to do things that makes him or her happy. It could be either something that he or she likes doing or could even be some person one likes spending time with. It is only through this that a person is able to enjoy life.

9.Do you think old and young people spend their leisure time in the same way?

I believe it is not about young and old, it is more about individuals. I have seen old people party harder than some of the young chaps out there and then some young people reading better than the wiser older people. In my opinion, it is all about the individual choices that people make.

10.Do you like to travel in holidays?

Well, I love travelling not only because everyone else does but because for me travelling teaches so much more to me than anything else can ever do. Also, travelling allows me to explore myself and the world in ways that opens up my horizons, giving me a broader aspect of life.

11.If you had a child, what leisure places would you go with your child?

I think I would like to take my child to library and a field ( could be of any game) as part of leisure activity. Also, I would love to travel with my child because in my opinion, a child learns so much more from travelling, history and art than he or she can ever learn from any of the text books or any motivational videos.

12.How much time do you have each week for doing these things?

Well, I do quite a lot of sport actually. I go swimming twice a week. There’s a very good pool just around the corner from my office. I swim for an hour and do about 40 lengths. I also cycle to work when I can. Apart from that, I do a lot of reading and photography.

13.Why do you like doing these activities?

When I was younger, I did a lot of surfing. I used to go snowboarding quite often too in the winter. But I haven’t been for a long time, although I might go this year with some friends. These days I go cycling when I can. At the weekends I like to cook and invite friends around for dinner. I’m a big fan of cooking programs, and often try to copy the recipes, but they don’t always turn out very well.

14.Why do you like doing these activities?

I don’t have a lot of time to myself now that I’m married with two young children. So, a lot of my free time is used taking my kids to their activities. For example, on Saturday morning, I have to take my son to his basketball games, and my daughter to football practice. Then I have to ship them off to parties or friends’ houses. Two or three times a month, my wife and I go for a meal with friends, and once a month, we go the cinema when my parents look after the kids. There’s a great little cinema that shows independent or foreign films just near where we live.

15.How did you start doing this activity at first?

I have tennis lessons with a group of friends at the weekend. There are eight of us, four moms and dads and four kids. The idea was that the lessons would give us the chance to do something sporty with our children, and it’s great. The teacher is really good and we all have a fantastic time. Plus, we’re getting better at tennis. Best of all, after an hour of tennis, the kids go off to play, and we can have a drink and a chat. Now, that’s my idea of playing sport. Apart from that, I also go out bowling once a month.

16.Is there some other hobby or sport you would like to try? Why?

I play golf at the weekend. I get up really early on Sunday and play for about five hours with some friends from work. While I’m out, my husband prepares lunch which is usually ready by the time I get back. Apart from that, I play online video games and read a lot. Also, I go for a drink after work every Friday with my work colleagues. There’s a pub nearby and we usually stay there for a couple of hours, which is good fun.

17.How do you spend your time in the evening?

In the evening, I love to play music and listen to some old Bollywood songs from my favourite song collection. It just refreshes my mind, keeping me away for a while, from tension arising due to the daily routine work. I think it is a good leisure activity that makes you stay away from everyday’s stress.

18.Do you do this every evening?

Not every evening but most of the times, I prefer to listen to my favourite songs. However, whenever I find some work to do at home in the evening, I avoid doing this. Apart from that, I sometimes like to stroll around the city along with my friends whenever I don’t get a chance to go for a morning walk.

19.What do you like to do in the weekends?

On Saturday, I often go for watching movies along with my family members but on Sunday, I do not like to do any activity outside and I rather play games with my kids. Nowadays, it is really essential to devote some time for your kids and this is the reason why I prefer spending time with them.

20.Is there any difference in your life now from when you were a child?

Absolutely yes, there are huge differences! Since I am now a married person with kids to take care of, I do not get enough time for fun and entertainment related activities. But when I was a child, I always used to play games with my childhood friends outside my home in a large playground, for example, we used to enjoy playing cricket vigorously. Moreover, life used to be tension free but now, it is full of stress.


1.室外活动(Outdoor Leisure Activities)

· to play / practise / do sport(s)

· to go rambling / hiking / trekking

· to go running/ jogging

· to go for a walk / stroll

· to go cycling

· to go fishing

· to go horse riding

· to go surfing / sailing

· to go rollerblading / iceskating / skateboarding

· to go canoeing / kayaking

· to go skiing / snowboarding

· to hang out / meet up with friends

· to eat out / go to restaurants or cafes

2.室内活动(Indoor Leisure Activities)

· to go to the gym / keep fit / do exercise

· do yoga / pilates / aerobics

· do martial arts (karate/judo/taekwondo)

· to go swimming

· to go to the cinema / theatre / shopping mall/centre

· to listen to music

· to watch TV / films

· to read books / novels / newspapers / magazines

· to play computer/video games

· to surf/browse the internet

· to play a musical instrument

· to sing in a choir

· to go dancing (ballet / tap / ballroom / hip-hop / freestyle / latin)

· to cook / bake

· to play board games / do puzzles

· to sew / knit

· to draw / paint / do crafts


· I suppose / I guess...

· Let me think / see...

· Well, I would say…

· I’m not sure, but…

· You know what I mean

· You know, like...

· I don’t know/I'm not sure exactly, but…

表达喜好Talking about likes/dislikes, applicable to present situation:

· I love to…………………….

· I prefer to…………………..

· I often go for………………..

· I do not like to do……………

· It is really essential to ……..

· I do not get enough time for……

· I think it is a……………….

理由Specifying reason for your likes/dislikes:

· Due to………………………………..

· This is the reason why I………….

· Not every….but most of the times

过去喜好Talking about your interests/habits/likes/dislikes in the past:

· I always used to…………………

· We used to…….but now………..


· However/Moreover/Apart from that

· Absolutely/definitely/surely

· Vigorously/extensively

· Devote/spend

· Huge differences/big differences

· Fun and entertainment activities

· Leisure activity/free time activity

· Essential/important/crucial

· Stroll around the city/walk around the street


