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Describe a big company/organisation

• What it is

• How you knew about it

• What this company does

• How you feel about it


Well, I wanna talk about The New Oriental School, which is one of the biggest private educationalcompanies in China. I’ve been learning English there for 7 years, and my mom took me thereas she said that it is the best place to learn English in our city.Thiscompany provides extra lessons for almost every subject, you know, in China,every kid has totakeextra lessons, to make sure they do good in major exams. New Oriental School is well-known for its English teaching quality. You know, for their employees, the company provides them chancesto travel abroad, as well as giving them opportunities to further their studies. For the students, the company would always holdvarious parties such as Xmas parties and Halloween parties. Actually I attendedthe Halloween party they held last year, we all dressed up to the party and we also got a small present from them and it wasso fun! Although I’ve always wanted to become a teacher, traditional schools’teachers need to stay in school from 9-5, which if I was teaching in NewOriental School, my time is more flexible, and they have the best working condition in my city, therefore, I definitely wanna go there after I graduate.

Major exams 重要的考试

Teaching quality 教学质量

Further sb’s study 进修

Dress up 打扮

Working condition 工作条件/环境


Well, I wanna talk about TheNew Oriental School, which is one of the biggest privateeducational companies in China. I’ve been learning English there for7 years, and my mom took me there as she said that it is the best place tolearn English in our city.NewOriental School enjoys a domestic reputation for itsEnglish teaching quality. I’ve beenadmiring their CEO Yu minhong since I was little. You know, His leadershipand creativity is agreat motivationforme. What’s more, I heard that theemployeebenefit in XDF is brilliant. The company regularlyprovides chances for their employees totravel abroad, as well as giving them opportunities to further their studies. Onthe one hand, this could really help their employees to broadentheir views, on the other hand, this is a great wayto retain valuable talent for thecompany. Although I’ve always wanted to become a teacher, traditionalschools’ teachers need to stay in school from 9-5, which if I was teaching inNew Oriental School, my time is more flexible, and they have the best workingcondition in my city, therefore, I definitely wanna go there after Igraduate.

…enjoys a domestic reputation ...在国内享有盛誉 (如果是在全球享有盛誉可以说 …enjoys a world-widereputation)

Teachingquality 教学质量




Employeebenefit 员工福利

Furthersb’s studies 进修

Broadensb’s views 开拓某人的视野

Retainvaluable talent 留住有价值的人才

Workingcondition 工作环境/条件


An important plant in your country that you like

what it is

how you knew about it

why it is important

explain why you like it


Sample Answer (Band 6)

The one I’ve chosen to talk about is bamboo, which is diffusely planted inthe southern part of China and also commonly seen in other subtropical areas(亚热带).

The first time I knew about this plant, as far as I can remember, was when I was 6 years old. My parents took me to a panda natural reserve (自然保护区) in Sichuan where I saw a picturesque (风景如画的) bamboo forest. You know, pandas mostly feed on bamboo,and that’s how I knew about this plant.

As for why it’s an important plant, well, I once read it somewhere that it could be used to make medicine to cure diseases like coughing, fever and even insomnia, which makes it very valuable. Also, it has become a new material to make a wide range of things, including fabrics and paper, which is more environmentally friendly(环保的) and can remove unpleasant smells (除臭).

But the main reason why I like bamboo is that in traditional Chinese culture, bamboo is a symbol of (是什么的象征) some great virtues like persistence and perseverance(坚持不懈), integrity and honesty (正直诚实), which I consider as the greatest qualities of a person.

Sample Answer (Band 7)

The one I’ve chosen to talk about is called mimosa (含羞草), also known as sleepy plant, which is diffusely plantedin (广泛种植于) the southern part of China and also commonly seen inother tropical areas.

The first time I knew about this plant, as far as I can remember, was when I was 6 years old. You know, my grandmother is an expert at (是某方面的专家) gardening, and she had all kinds of potted plants(盆栽) on her balcony. One day, I accidentally touched the leaflets of a potted mimosa. Then what happened next shocked me: the leaflets closed! I had never seen anything like it before and I was totally blown away (感到震惊)! Then my grandma explained to me that whenever stimulated in some ways, such as touching, warming, blowing or shaking, the foliage would fold inwards as a response. Because of this, it could serve as a tool to predict weather(预测天气). And that’s one of the reasons why I like this plant.

As for why it’s an important plant, well, I once read it somewhere that some of the chemicals in mimosa could be used to make medicine to cure diseases like coughing, fever and could even prevent insomnia, which makes it very valuable.



1. What do you like about traveling?

2. Why don’t some people like traveling?

3. What are benefits of traveling?

4. Why do you think some people like traveling with others?

1. What do you like about traveling?




Relieve one’s stress / release one’s pressure

Give a fresh start

Enrich one’s life experiences

Expand one’s vision/ broaden one’s horizon

suppose traveling helps to relieve my stress from work, especially after a whole busy year, a nice trip really works miracles. It gives me a fresh start. Besides, during traveling, I have a chance to meet new people whose life experiences and stories could definitely expand my vision.

2. Why don’t some people like traveling?




targets of muggings, pick-pockets, attacks

vulnerable in strange places

not used to the climate, the food and the local environment

tight budget

Well, it’s hard to say why some people don’t like it, because there are various reasons. Firstly, I suppose safety is what they’ve concerned most about. Travelers are more likely to be targets of muggings, pick-pockets, attacks, etc., because they appear more vulnerable in strange places. Especially during high season, in some hot tourist spots, cases about travelers being stolen, mugged or attacked become quite common. And the other reason is that may be some people couldn’t get used to the climate, the food and the local environment of a new place, they feel more comfortable staying at home. Moreover, perhaps a tight budget deters them from starting a vacation, after all, traveling means spending.

3. What are benefits of traveling?




refreshing and revitalizing

leave all daily routines behind

a new and different angle to see the world

experience exotic culture

Traveling is a refreshing and revitalizing activity which gives us the opportunity to disconnect from our regular life because we could leave all daily routines behind for a few days or weeks. After the break, we feel more energetic to return to work or study.

And through traveling we have a chance to widen our perspective. To view new customs, different ways of living is fantastic for the mind. It gives us a new and different angle to see the world. When we travel, we can experience exotic cultures and try new food, I mean, to further discover what this wonderful world offers.

4. Why do you think some people like traveling with others?


make the whole trip more hilarious

economical way of travel

learn to cooperate with others when in difficulties

It’s obvious that traveling with others, especially with friends could make the whole trip more hilarious. And it can also cultivate our ability to cooperate with others when we are in difficulties. Moreover, compared to traveling alone, we could save more if we travel with friends. The amount of money, originally, should be paid by one person, now can be shared by two or even more people.


★ 雅思托福gre词汇量多少


