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5战烤鸭听力阅读双9分 ,却为你搬运口语失败教训。今天小编给大家带来了雅思口语失败教训总结,希望可以帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。

【雅思口语经验】5战烤鸭听力阅读双9分 却为你搬运口语失败教训




正常的停顿是自然对话的标志,不要害怕。有些同学讨厌silence,故意用一些well,you know去填补(比如我),其实这样并不好,反而会让考官注意到你在频繁思考。最保险的方式就是自然的短停顿。
















不用多说,考官在你描述你的老师的时候,幻想着他的样子:he is一个高大的戴眼镜的数学老师,he平时不苟言笑,he上课时候生动有趣。she。。嘭!老师变成了一个穿西装打领带的阿姨。。考官不可能不注意到这个点!!我的考官说她经常听着听着忍不住笑出来。所以最好说一句“sorry,I mean he”嘭!老师有变回来英俊潇洒的样子了。




①连词,介词。什么pay attention to还是at,arrive in还是at,如果是写作,要注意,但如果是口语,如果你说的够好够生动,考官是不会因为你用错少量(注意是少量)连词介词扣你分数的,重点是内容和句子整体。

②你的故事。有些同学说,我说颐和园在河南行不行。答案是行。不论是雅思口语还是写作,都有一个要求就是考官要忽略你说的factual Information,就是你说的是不是事实对你的成绩是没有影响的。即使他知道你撒了谎,他也不能扣你分数。我的意思是,如果你一着急,说你爸爸36岁你妈妈47岁,不要害怕,考官是不会在意的,也没必要去更改。




2014年8月雅思写作预测题目:明天重要还是今天重要。An American film actor John Wayne once said “Tomorrow is the most important thing in life”. How important it is for individual and government to think about the future rather than focus on the present?


Tomorrow should not and must not be foregone. For example, The Chinese government is currently phasing out its manufacturing industries which are energy-­‐consuming and inefficient. Instead, the government is carrying out a series of actions and sparing no effort to bring up promising industries, e.g. new energy source, so as to ensure its sustainable development.

Tomorrow is the designer of today. Take myself as an example, as a student whose life remains most in the blue print, I dream of becoming a useful person to my country one day. However, I find my current ability rather inadequate to realise such ambition. Thus I finally made my decision to live fully the present and to be hardworking on my admission to a prestigious oversea university, so that I may gain the chance of getting further education.


There is no doubt today is a most precious moment of life, which is why it is called “the present”—the gift of life to us. It is the lesson we took today that makes the compass for tomorrow, and it is the painstaking work we carry out today that paves the way for tomorrow’s journey. In other words, the future ends in a deserted present.


2014年8月雅思写作预测题目:富爸爸和穷爸爸。Children who grow up in families which are short of money are better prepared to deal with the problems of adult life than children who are brought up by wealthy parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Children having poor parents have to shoulder family responsibilities at an early age, therefore they can more readily shape a mature personality to cope with adult life.

During the living of the poor life, children must endure and overcome hardship, which

allows them to withstand a high degree of pressure after they start their career.

Driven by their pursuit of a well-­‐off future, children brought up by poor parents are more

determined to lead a hardworking life which is well appreciated by employers.

The richness of a family often leads to children being spoiled and immature and lacking

enough incentive to fight for their personal life.

It is rare for children from moneyed households to develop a strong sense of perseverance

as well as the right competence to confront challenge and to resist stress.


An affluent family can afford traveling and various social opportunities for its children, which extends their horizon and improves their social skills.

Wealthy parents can finance private education for their sons and daughters, which

establishes a solid base for their next generation.

Poor parents cannot offer their children good education. In some societies, even basic education is a luxury for impoverished households.

After the children from poor families grow up and try to find jobs, their parents cannot provide them with sufficient social relationships which can help them obtain more career opportunities.

Because of their uptight childhood, it is more likely that they are swayed by temporary benefits when they become adults.


Most people are neither Warren Buffett nor refugees, the key of successfully raising children lies not in how rich they can get to support them but in what sort of methods parents choose to properly guide and teach them, e.g. even Bill Gates donated the majority of his wealth to charities.


2014年8月雅思写作预测题目:独善其身。Individuals and countries cannot help everyone who needs help in the world, so we should be only concerned about our own communities and countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?.现提供本篇雅思写作解题思路供大家参考。


Some countries are trapped in domestic troubles, let alone lend a hand to other countries,

e.g. the civil war in Congo and starvation as well as water shortage in South Sudan.

A big proportion of international aids are abused by the government and authorities of many underdeveloped countries, causing hopeless corruption.

A good many international aids are devils in angel’s clothing (穿着天使外衣的恶魔), e.g. special funds are offered with strict strings attached (严苛的附加条件), such as taking charge of local resources & intervening domestic policy.


ive in the same world, therefore it is our responsibility to give a hand to those who need help.

Butterfly effect: deforestation in Amazon will eventually lead to the degrading of air quality of New York.

Mutual help enhances international friendship and even eliminate hostility, e.g. Turkey’s help when Greece suffered from earthquake, China’s aid after the Tsunami in Japan.

It cannot be overlooked that ubiquitous international mutual assistance is no better than a fine wish, and reality nevertheless does not allow the happening of it. Old saying has it that dreams are always fertile, but reality simply remains barren (老话说得好:理想都是

丰满的,现实都是骨感的); it is the compromise of the two that makes who we are, human.

Thus, I would like to pin down on the realistic side of this issue; meanwhile it is crucial

_that only true aids are offered and countries develop themselves without harming others’ benefits .



Developing countries require international organization’s help. Some people think financial aids are better while others believe practical aid and advice make more sense. Discuss and give your opinion.



Zoos are useful to protect the rare animals. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.


Some people think it is necessary to use animals for testing medicines intended for human use. Others, however, think it's not right to do that. Discuss both of these views and give you own opinion.


There are many animal species extinct today. Some people say that countries and individuals should protect these animals from dying out, while others say we should concentrate more on problems of human beings. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


Some groups, such as poor people and people from rural areas, think universities should make it especially easy for them to get access to university education. To what extent do

you agree or disagree?


Some people think it is more important to spend public money on promoting healthy lifestyle in order to prevent illness than to spend it on the treatment for people who are ill. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


Some people think pollution and damage of environment are resulted from a country developing and becoming richer, and this is hard to be avoided. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


Some people believe charities should give aid to those in greatest need, wherever they live. Others think charities should better concentrate on helping people who live in their own countries. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.


