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1. 训练托福听力做笔记技巧的第一步是听写,也叫听抄。具体来说,也就是在听素材的时候将大意记下。强调一下,一开始只要记大意即可。大家可以先从一句一句慢慢来,等后面熟练了再开始逐渐增多听写内容。做完后对照文本看看有什么缺漏,或者按照大意将内容复述一下还可以顺便练习托福口语。听写的材料有很多,比如Scientific American 60 Second Science,各种托福听力的辅导教材和听力练习资料等等都是不错的选择。

2. 在做练习的时候,考生对于自己所做的笔记不是记完或做完题目就算的,要有一个效果反馈的过程。在对完答案后,大家要针对自己不确定的答案和没有记录的得分点信息参照原文找出相关内容。通过对照自己的笔记,考生可以找出自己没有听出来的信息点并分析具体原因:是没有注意到提示词?还是由于着急写了前面没用的东西而漏记了有用的?这一点在做带有原文的听力素材的时候最方便了,因为可以参照原文找出所有得分信息。这样练习多了,考生听信息点的敏感度自然就会提升很多。

3. 针对听写时单词拼写速度过慢的问题。小编建议浪费宝贵的时间在纸上的同学去做另一项听抄练习。现在市面上的托福单词书大都附有CD,大家可以试着在背单词的同时听着单词的音频,然后跟着它读的速度把单词写下来,保证尽量拼写正确。这样记单词和练习写英文的速度一举两得。当然,有很多同学在平时背单词的时候就习惯不断在纸上边写边背,这一定程度上也可以加快写字的速度。


1. 不是听写下许多许多内容就可以捉到得分点。有很多人都经历过记了一大堆东西后,发现还是做不对题目,因为得分点的信息往往在记其他无用的东西时被忽略了。这就是把握信息点的问题。关键的问题还是提高记笔记的效能,而不是效率。提高的方法前面已经说过了。一位考生成功练好托福听力做笔记技巧的标志就是到最后记的越来越少,但是正确率越来越高。

2. 不要一听到听力素材中开始讲话就赶紧去记录。ETS没有那么笨,每题都是先提示important,for example,然后在说答案。有时是先说一大堆没什么用的开场白废话,然后再转正题,有些时候是先说了内容,再来个This is...,提示得分点。所以听的时候要注意内容和主题的密切度,当内容不确定有没有用的时候先记录下部分关键词,并且大脑要有个大致的印象它讲了什么,实在不够时间等后来再补上。

3. 做笔记重点在于自己能看懂而不是卷面是否工整。大家做笔记的时候只要能确保自己看得懂找得到细节就足够了,完全可以按自己的思路来做记号和写单词,不完整不正确一点关系都没有。托福听力考试的时间非常宝贵,在不影响自己阅读理解的前提下还请尽量提升记笔记的效率,把更多时间留着去听之后的的内容才是真正高效的做法。

4. 谨慎地查看和使用记录的笔记,特别是只写下只言片语的地方。记住,就算你记对了,也不代表你能选对答案。听力大忌之一是看到选项有与原文相同的字眼就选那个。有人说托福听力迷惑性大,小编认为这是因为选项往往是原文的同义改写,即paraphasing,要真正理解了才能选对。所以在查看笔记的时候也需要结合理解来解题。


Lichens. They're probably the most common example of two organisms living in a symbiotic relationship. There's a fungus and a photosynthesizing partner, like algae. It's a bond that was born, as they say, when "Alice Algae," took a "lichen" to "Freddie Fungus."

But that simple description covered up a larger mystery: how could two different lichen species combine the same building blocks—same fungus, same algae—"and yet they look very different, have very different chemistry, and some of them even have distinctly different ecology."

Toby Spribille, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Montana, and the University of Graz in Austria.

He and his colleagues studied two lichen species that fit that bill. Same underlying parts, different color and chemistry. They ground the lichens up, and then analyzed their RNA. What they expected to find was two genomes: one fungus, one alga. "And what we found is that, at the end of a lot of analysis, we had was three genomes, not two.And this was really surprising."

The third genome was from a type of yeast. And the more yeast was present, the more yellowish—and more toxic—the lichen was. The study appears in the journal Science.

But how could scientists spend so many years studying these lichens—and still miss this crucial third species? Spribille says it could have been the type of genetic sequencing. Previous studies relied on DNA barcodes, which only sample some of the genome, to identify the underlying fungus and alga. Sort of like identifying the occupants of a completely dark room by shouting out a few names and seeing who answers.

What Spribille did, instead, was just turn all the lights on, with whole genome sequencing, revealing the identity of all occupants, and in doing so, "we eliminated anything that required going in and calling out somebody's name so to speak."

As for whether some lichens might have four, five species? "I certainly wouldn't rule it out at this point." Because this study indicates lichens are truly more than the sum of their parts. Including, of course, the parts we still don't know about.










1. cover up 隐藏,遮掩(事实);

例句:He suspects there's a conspiracy to cover up the crime.


2. grind up 磨碎;碾碎;将…磨成粉;

例句:We grind up the wheat to make flour.


3. rely on 依赖;依靠;

例句:We must rely on ourselves, no other option.


4. shout out 大声说出;大声喊出;

例句:When I call your name, shout out so that we know you're here.

当我叫到你的名字时请大声响应, 以便大家知道你来了。

5. turn on 打开(设备);接通(…的供应);

例句:I want to turn on the television.


6. so to speak 可以说;可谓;

例句:But for young people it presents an opportunity to follow the sun, so to speak.


7. rule out 排除;不予考虑;

例句:I think we can rule out the possibility of objection to us.



Donald Trump hasn't been running the most traditional campaign. And it's not just the unfiltered tweets. "He's neglecting campaigning full stop." Thomas Wood, an assistant professor of political science at Ohio State. "He's had about half as many public events as his opponent."

Wood's own campaign experience was with the Romney/Ryan ticket back in 2012. Every night, the campaign surveyed thousands of voters... 64,000 over all... asking them how they felt about the politicians, after a local visit. That is, if the voters actually knew about the visit.

"Instead of seeing candidate X visiting somewhere in Pensacola they're now seeing candidate X visit somewhere in their local market. And it's not really filtering through to that many folks that the visit was there—you know one event sort of looks like the other. They all sort of blend into each other. It's hard to make it clear to the person who's just watching the evening news that this was a visit in your local marketplace."

In other words, visits didn't even register for most locals or those in adjacent markets. And the voters' opinions of the candidates went up just a measly couple percent after local visits—before fading back to baseline a few days later. So despite the huge investment of time and money, the local campaign stops were pretty worthless—at least from a numbers standpoint. The findings are in the Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.

As for this election season—any advice for the noncampaigning candidate? "I would provide advice that has nothing to do with his frequency of visits. I'd be providing advice as to how one comports oneself with the national press, try to earn some goodwill. I guess just being polite. I would say that Trump's sort of lethargic process of campaigning is probably the least of his worries." Better, he says, to just spend more time fundraising. To throw more cash at things that really work: like get-out-the-vote campaigns, and ads. Then again…Twitter's free.







1. instead of 代替…;而不是…;

例句:He should have shot instead of passing.


2. blend into 融入;与…融为一体;与…协调;

例句:I tried to blend into the crowd, but I was obviously not dressed for the occasion.


3. in other words 换言之;换句话说;也就是说;

例句:In other words, the quality of the candidates was the decisive factor.


4. as for 至于…;

例句:As for his moral character, he is also praiseworthy.



