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雅思口语持续低分 有且只有这5个原因


提问:Do you work or are you a student?

考生回答: I am a student.

虽然的确是回答了问题,但毫无拓展。考官又要怎么判断你的口语分数呢?PART 1因为问题短,大家也许能够发现到自己有没有进行拓展。但是到了PART 3本身题目就很长的情况下,有些考生直接复述了一遍题目,然后说个YES/NO 就算是回答了…… 是来和考官面基的么?

修改后: I am a student. I am currently doing my Bachelor’s degree in X.X.X university. (OR I am a third year undergrad from X.X.X university.)



提问:Why did you choose to study that?

考生回答:Since I am a child, I want to design my own clothes.


修改后:Since I was a child, I had always wanted to design my own clothes. So when the opportunity presented itself, I chose to study fashion design without a single doubt.

其实很多考生都有断片的问题,有一些是认为回答够“多”了,就收尾了。有一些则是认为考官应该懂我的意思,那我后面就不说了吧~ 咳咳,考官是你们家隔壁老王么?


提问:Would you say it’s a difficult major to study? Why?

考生回答:Actually, in this major, people would have the special ideas in the design.

不要以为你说一个actually就很local 了,完全没有回答到问题上面好么?亲,你的专业到底难么?困难的地方是什么? special ideas,创意?

修改后: Yes, I think it’s quite difficult. Unlike many conventional majors, fashion design is all about creativity and change. Reading textbooks and doing assignments are not enough to guarantee us a good score. We have to push our limits, think outside the box, and read whatever there is to inspire us to come up with new ideas.

其实PART 1也会有长问题。考官认可你的水平,就会问一些复杂的问题,这样才好定分。那么我们就可以多聊一点了。首先,说明了这个major的确是困难的。通过和conventional majors的对比,说明了在学习专业的过程中仅仅听好课,做好作业是不够的,对比一下,从而突显其困难性。


提问:Are there many advertisements in China?

考生回答:Sure, in the TV show, you also can see some, many advertising in this TV show.


修改后: Yes, indeed. Advertisements are everywhere. Whenever we turn on the TV, look through a newspaper, open the mailbox, or surf the Internet, advertisements would immediately jump into our sight. It’s no exaggeration to say that we live in the world of advertisements, and some of them are really lousy.



提问:Do advertisements ever influence your choice about what to buy?

学生回答: Yeah. Because we don’t have too much time to know one by one the products, so we need the advertising to know which is the best or which is the worst.


修改后: I have to say yes. Because when I want to buy something, especially something I am not familiar with, it’s difficult to decide which brand to choose, since they look almost the same. Then I tend to choose the one advertised. It seems more reliable than those I've never heard of.






1. 心理过度紧张,缺乏自信.有些考生性格内向,不善交流和表达,面对临煞有介事的考官会大脑短路,语无伦次.

2. 英文能力有限,准备压力大.雅思口语新话题层出不穷,考官第三部分的谈论愈发灵活,如果考生不懂得将话题化繁为简归类总结,会感到复习范围无边无际,从而忐忑不安.

3. 错把口试当成背诵考试,适得其反.很多考生会把口语预测话题写成段子死背硬记,结果考试时不懂得与考官交流,只管猛背答案,往往是答非所问,难逃低分命运.

4. 主观评分很难定性,低分现实打击自信.07年以来的口语低分让很多中国考生困惑不解,从而进一步对口语考试产生畏惧心理.



Good morning. Come in and take a seat.

Can you tell me your full name, please? What shall I call you?

Can I see your identification please?

Can you tell me where you are from?


Now in this first part, I’d like to ask you some questions about yourself.

1. Let’s talk about…

2. I’d like to move on now to talk about …

3. Let’s move on to the topic of …

4. Let’s move on to the topic of …


Now I’m going to give you a topic, and I’d like you to talk about it for one to two minutes. Before you talk, you’ll have one minute to think about what you’re going to say.

You can make some notes if you wish. Do you understand?


