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国内学生在雅思口语中使用的连接词大多是常见的、使用非常普遍的词汇,例如so,and,but...除此之外还有哪些可以替换的高分连接词呢? 下面小编就和大家分享雅思口语说得快是否就是流利,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧!



1、举例子/Giving examples:For example, For instance, Namely

常用的就是for example和for instance, namely 用在解释或者说出什么事物的名称中,表达“也就是说”、“换言之就是”的意思。作插入语多。

举个例子:There are two problems: namely , the expense and the time.

2、增加信息/Adding information:大家都耳熟能详,但是用法上还没弄清楚。

And ,In addition ,As well as ,Also ,Too, furthermore, Moreover ,Apart from ,In addition to ,Besides

and的用法:当然是用在两者之间。We discussed training, education and the budget.


举个例子:We also spoke about marketing.

You can use also with not only to give emphasis.

We are concerned not only by the costs, but also by the competition.

如果你希望在句首表达”also”,就可以用 In addition, or In addition to this…

As well as 用法:可以用于句首或者中间。

举个例子:As well as the costs, we are concerned by the competition.

We are interested in costs as well as the competition.

Too goes either at the end of the sentence, or after the subject and means as well .

Apart from 和 besides的用法: 它们都常用于表达as well as , or in addition to类似的意思。

举个例子:Apart from Rover, we are the largest sports car manufacturer.

Besides Rover, we are the largest sports car manufacturer.

Moreover 和 furthermore的用法:为你要表达的事物增加另一个信息点。

举个例子:Marketing plans give us an idea of the potential market. Moreover , they tell us about the competition .

3.总结信息/Summarising:In short, In brief, In summary, To summarize, In a nutshell, To conclude, In conclusion ,我们经常用这些词汇在写作和口语中表示总结。注意:In a nutshell是非正式表达,经常用于口语而非写作。

4. 强化观点间联系/ Sequencing ideas :The former, … the latter, Firstly, secondly, finally. The first point is, Lastly, The following

举个例子:Marketing and finance are both covered in the course. The former is studied in the first term and the latter is studied in the final term.

Firstly, … secondly, … finally (or lastly ) 在陈列信息时很有用;

The following作为下一段陈述的开头居多

举个例子:The following people have been chosen to go on the training course: N Peters, C Jones and A Owen.

5. 给出结果时/Giving a result :Therefore, Consequently, As a result ,

举个例子:The companies are expanding. Therefore / So / Consequently / As a result , they are taking on extra staff.

6. 表示比较、转折、让步等时:Contrasting ideas :But, However, although / even, though Unlike, In theory… in, practice…, Nonetheless, While, Whereas, Despite / despite the fact that, In spite of / in spite of the fact that, Nevertheless

举例子:He works hard, but he doesn't earn much.

He works hard. However , he doesn't earn much


While my sister has blue eyes, mine are brown.

Taxes have gone up, whereas social security contributions have gone down.

Unlike in the UK, the USA has cheap petrol.

While , whereas and unlike 用于表达两件事物很不同时。

Although , despite and in spite of 的用法:用了这些词,你就把一个完整的句子分两半了。多用于让步。

例如:Although it was cold, she went out in shorts.

In spite of the cold, she went out in shorts.

Nevertheless and nonetheless 的用法:其实就是 in spite of that or anyway的意思 .建议要7分的同学试着用。

例如:The sea was cold, but he went swimming nevertheless . (In spite of the fact that it was cold.)

The company is doing well. Nonetheless , they aren't going to expand this year.


Describe an ideal house.

You should say:

where it is

what it looks like

when you would like to live in

and explain why you would like to live in it.

Ever since I was a little boy, I’ve wanted to live in a house by the water. When I say water, I mean anywhere like the sea, a river or a lake. It doesn’t matter to me. I guess if it was by a river or a lake then I’d like the house to be right on the edge of the water so that I could have a boat moored up alongside and maybe go fishing. If it were by the sea, then I’d like to have a beach between the house and the water so I could go for walks along the coast and one day play with my kids in the sand.

The house itself could be any size, large or small would do for me as the location is what’s important. It would be cool to have a bedroom that faced the water and a balcony so that I could sit outside and have a great view. The interior of the house would be very modern, with top-of-the-range gadgets and appliances, such as a massive TV and a good cooker so that I could cook delicious meals.

I’ve no idea when I would be able to afford such a house, to be honest I think it’s a bit of a pipe-dream, but assuming I could I’d like to live there before I’m too old. I’d have to work hard first to save up lots of money, so I think middle-age is the most realistic target.

I think everyone dreams of having a big house, in a good location, with a nice interior and furnishings. We all want to live a good life and escape the hustle and bustle of the city. Being by the water would be the icing on the cake.



" Has fully operational command of the language with only occasional unsystematic inaccuracies and inappropriacies. Misunderstandings may occur in unfamiliarsituations. Handles complex detailed argumentation well. "

意思是说,对于我们这些母语并非英语的学习者,能做到“完全掌控所使用的语言”。而我们又并非native speaker,所以考官非常贴心帮我们开出了“with only occasional unsystematic inaccuracies and inappropriacies”的通行牌:“偶尔出现一些混乱、不准确或用语不当”是被允许的。其实,这就像在说中文的时候,难免也会有tongues lip的口误,一旦能及时做出自我修正就不是大问题。



Part 1


Part 2


Part 3



雅思口语考试一般从四方面Fluency and Coherence, Lexical Resource, Grammar Range 以及Pronunciation进行评分,每一项都有具体的标准,在备考时,每一项都应该被烤鸭们关注到,不然可能就会成为失分点。










雅思写作分成“一大一小”:大作文指标准的议论文,尽管可以按照提问方式或答题套路再分成几种类型,但也逃不出议论文的圈子。读本科的同学都会发现,哪怕你不是读商科,做个survey写个分析的report,都是稀疏平常的事情。上大学以后写的各种report的分析小组调研数据,就是雅思小作文设置的意义。大作文的议论文“立论-阐述-论证-总结”的思路就是你永远都逃不掉essay和paper。如果达到了8分评分标准中的“Handles complex detailed argumentation well.”,等同于你能够针对复杂课题很好地进行论证。写起essay和paper只管找好材料组织成句,也不用抓耳挠腮觉得自己的语句不够简洁明白。



