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中国考生的口语存在着一些普遍问题,如发音,口音,流利度欠缺等,但是其实最为严重的是,很多中国学生自创中式表达,也就是我们所熟知的中式英语(Chinglish)。其实很多人已经对一些非常popular的中式英语耳熟能详,比如说people mountain people sea等等,但是还是有很多错误的英语句子是中国学生没有意识到,而且经常犯的错误。

1.I very much like David Beckham

其实这种说法还是比较普遍的。Very 虽说是个副词,但是并不能像一般的副词一样,放在副词前面修饰动词,所以very有自己独特的用法。这句话正确的写法是:I like David Beckham very much.. 但是老外更习惯于说 I am a huge fan of David Beckham; I am insanely crazy about him; I could think of nobody that tops him; 其次,在口语表达中,很多学生习惯于用very good这种表达方式。这里向各位烤鸭们推荐其它的一些表达,譬如incredible, amazing, unbelievable, impressive,awesome等等。

2. My English is poor

很多学生看到这句话,第一反应就是:“这句话还是错的吗?我们老师就是这么教的我们!” 其实,在英语表达里面,尤其是口语,单纯的语法正确并不能表明这句话的意思就是对的。我从来没有听过老外讲过My Chinese is poor. 口语中更加注重的是语言表达习惯。虽然某句话是对的,但是没有人这么讲。老外通常会讲 My Chinese sucks; My Chinese is awful. 更多的情况下,老外的表达会比较积极,比如说 I am getting better though。.

3. Oral English

回国后,我听到很多的学生说oral English, 甚至还包括个别的外教。根据我对这个词的了解,oral English并不能表示 spoken English. 后来,我问了很多外教,确认了我的判断是正确的。在英文里面,oral 更多的是表示跟口腔有关。口语更多的是用 spoken English 或者 speaking English 来表示。外教们在中国时间待长了,也会被同化,犯这种错误,但是他们回到自己的国家后就会立刻改过来。但是对于我们中国数千万的莘莘学子来讲,在中国这个大环境下,这样的错误如果不及时纠正的话,恐怕就是一辈子都会犯的错误了。


1.a lot of

这个词组并没有什么错误,只是当所有学生都在用的时候,它就自然而然变成了错误的。我们可以用很多替代的词,例如:There are tons of people in the classroom; I have been to like a million interviews 等等。

2.I think

中国学生很喜欢用一些stereotyped 答案。比如说考官问你问题的时候,很多学生就习惯于回答 I think… 其实,从英语角度来讲,I think代表一种不确定性,所以当你在表达观点加上这么一个词的时候,就是表达一种不确定的概念给考官,所以建议考生们尽量避免这个表达。



Since you are so incredibly talented, maybe it’s time for you compete for the Emmy Awards. (讽刺)

George W. Bush administration has always been standing in the way of other countries’ economic development. Maybe they love to present themselves as a pain in the ass to the world。


雅思口语新题集锦:A family member who you spent most time with

A family member who you spent most time with

Who this person is

What you do with this person

What kind of person he/she is

And explain why this person accompany you most time


1.What kind of foreign food are popular in your country?

I suppose the so-called “junk food” in the western country has gained a lot of popularity in China.There is a large number of restaurants serving hamburgers, pizzas and French fries. People,especially youngsters, are really enthusiastic about them probably because eating this kind of food is time-saving and also very fashionable. But personally, I don't regard it as a positive trend in our society.

2.What kinds of new food have you tried recently?

Well, I am always willing to try new things and last month I saw a newly-opened Mexico restaurant,so I decided to take a taste. I ordered nachos and tacos, which are two types of Mexican food. I thought it might take me some time to get used to the food but surprisingly I fell in love with it from the first bite! The spicy flavor is exactly my cup of tea.

3.Do you like to try new food?

Yes, of course! I am passionate about trying new restaurants especially those that serve foreign food.Every time I have meals in a restaurant that I have never been to, it is like having an adventure. Also,as a real foodie, I’m fond of cooking with different ingredients, hoping that I can invent my ownrecipe one day


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