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国内考生参加雅思口语考试,通常会带有一些中国特色。习惯了传统课堂提问式的互动沟通模式,很多考生同样在雅思口语中会运用这一方法进行作答。遇到问题,就会比较急切的想要解释清楚,因此对于考官提问,考生的回答听起来总有些敷衍了事,即:yes/no, because I think…这种回答模式就是朗阁老师想要说的第一种口语陷阱,在雅思初学者中广泛存在。

Do you like taking photos?

Yes, because I think photos can help me to record the happy things in the past. It will offer me good memories.


如 Do you like walking?

Yes, because walking can made me relax and it helps me to release my pressure.


如Where do Chinese like to go dancing?

They like to go dancing on the square, because…似乎很难有理由可以扶正为什么人们喜欢去广场跳舞,这里很可能考生的流利度上就会大打折扣。


对于上述现象,建议大家反复使用故事法,即从when, where, who, what, why, how, how long, how often这些故事基本信息点进行全面的话题拓展,而不是仅仅注重why一个点。

对于Do you like taking photos? 我们可以从how often/ what/ when等基本点进行构思。

Yes, that’s for sure. I am pretty fond of taking photos. I take photos frequently, rough everyday. In most cases, I will take photos of food,people and pets as well.

对于Do you like walking? 我们可以从who/ when/ where/what等基本信息点出发。

Yes. As a rule, I will take a walk after dinner. I will go with my parents to the park that is not far away from our community. During the process, we will chat with each other on our daily experience.

刚才提到的dancing话题也可以从基本点如where/when/ how long等出发。

Where do Chinese like to go dancing?

Actually, most of Chinese are rather keen on dancing on the square. To be more specific, most of old and middle-aged people will go to the square that is not far away from their home and dance individually or in pairs for nearly one hour. Also, young people would like to choose the dancing room for different dancing styles.




一个典型的问题是针对part2话题Describe an antique or old thing in your family that you have kept for a long time中出现的part3问题Which one do you prefer, old things or new things? 通常被问到这个话题,同学会一股脑的说old things或者也有同学会回答new things, 要进行深入描述的时候,很多同学都停下来不知道应该如何继续。究其原因,单单的从new和old这两个词上做文章,难度太大,范围太广。

同样,旅游类话题中有这样一个part3的问题,Why do Chinese people like traveling abroad? 话题确实可以用列举法列出国外旅游的优点,但是同学除了能够想到感受不同的文化以外,就很难有较有力的观点。因此,不仅考生回答的长度显得比较短,考生与考生之间的观点也是大相径庭的。




Which one do you prefer, old things or new things?


New things: cellphone (functional); clothes (fashionable); furniture (user-friendly)


I will show my preference to new things. I mean the new cellphone and other electronic devices. They are more functional and smart. Also, compared with old clothes, new clothes are more fashionable. As for stuff like new furniture, they are user-friendly. In this case, I prefer to new things to old ones.


问题Why do Chinese people like traveling abroad? 我们在思考的时候除了紧盯traveling abroad这个短语就事论事以外,还可以适当使用对比法,它可以使得问题迎刃而解。

Traveling abroad对比起来就是domestic traveling, 如果我们关注国外旅游的优点,并且指出国内游的缺点,问题解决的速度要远比指出国外游的两到三个优点来的简单。

One possible reason is that overseas traveling is a good way for individuals to broaden their horizon. They can be acquainted with new culture and city well. However, for domestic traveling, it is usually quite crowded and noisy as most of people go sightseeing during the public holidays. I suppose, these are the main reasons why Chinese prefer to travel abroad.




如What occasions will people send flowers to others in your country?

In China, people usually send flowers to others on Valentine’s Day or Chinese Valentine’s Day. In most cases, boys will send a bunch of rose to their girl friends. Of course, in my family, my father usually will prepare flowers to my mother to give her a great surprise. It is a good way to enhance their relationship.




如What occasions will people send flowers to others in your country?

这个问题我们除了可以说Valentine’s Day, 还可以说庆祝或是探望病人,然后在每个关键点上增加具体度即可。

In China, people usually send flower to others on special festivals like Valentine’s Day, Teachers’ Day and Mother’s day. Also, when the students successfully get their Master’s or Bachelor’s Degree, parents usually will send them flowers to congratulations to them. Nowadays, it is common for people to send flowers to friends or relative who are in hospital.




最近有这么一道part3问题:Are there any negative decisions of the leader in your country? 考生一考完试就觉得疑惑,考官为什么会问政治方面的问题呢?听完回答后,我们就可以理解为什么考生把这个问题定义为政治性:当要求说一些领导人负面决策的时候,我们同学很快就有了答案,那就是:..革。这个确实是领导人的负面决策,但是说起来是一个很长的故事。考生确信自己很幸运地想到了一个正确的答案,但是苦于不知道如何回答,所以还是在这道题上表现不佳。



对于上述问题,领导的决策,通常都是关系到民生的,也就是我们所说的衣食住行(clothes, food, housing and transport)。与其说革,我们就拿住房问题来说好了,近些年来,很多城市都有房屋拆迁这样的政策,虽然说是方便地方发展,但是确确实实很多老年人,当他们从传统房屋搬到公寓楼里后,生活显得更加孤单。且很多家庭的生活成本也有所提高,他们需要自己买各种生活物品和食物,而不是靠自己种一些蔬菜水果来降低生活成本。从某些方面来说,这也算是决策的负面性之一。

Are there any negative decisions of the leader in your country?

Well, yes. In recent years, many traditional houses have been demolished and most of the local habitants have to live in the apartment built by the local government. Even though it will benefit the local development, it is not a wise decision for most of the old people who once rely on the vegetables and fruit planted by them own. Also, they are lonelier than before. To some extent, these are negative decisions of the leader.


雅思口语话题part 2范文:本国河流(important river in your country)

Describe an important river/ area of water in your country

You should say:

How long the river is

Where it is

What it looks like

Why it is important


在祖国的大地上流淌着的两条最大的river,想必各位烤鸭都不会陌生,长江和黄河,这两条河都可以拿来说一说。这题今天正好有学生问到。说长江是不是Long River?

(我想说这个直译真的挺好的,但是先辈们已经把长江的英文名取好了,不叫long river,我们得叫它the Yangtse River)。不过,黄河我们可以放心得叫它the Yellow River. 除此之外,对于想说河流的同学们,如果长江黄河离家不是那么近,没去过,没话说的话,可以说一说家附近的河流。若实在还是没有思路的话,可以说说一片水域。什么叫水域呢?英文已经解释很直白了,就是area of water,有水的那一片地方都能说。

1-4月雅思口语新题part2范文:important river


Speaking of an important river, I would like to talk about the Yangtse river, which is the biggest and longest river in China. It’s about 6,300 kilometers long.


The Yangtse River lies in the south of China. It stretches to 11 provinces in China and drains nearly one-fifth of the land areas of China.


If you see it on the map, you will find it looks not that special, maybe just like any other rivers, for example, the Nile or something. However, when you take a closer look at it, you won’t feel like it’s something that other rivers can copy.


I remember when I was in the grade 9, I took a boat trip with my parents to Sanxia, where we saw the most stunning view of the Yangtse River along with the tall green mountains like Shennv Feng.


It is indeed very important, not only for the local residents who need the water for life, but it is also crucial for the entire nation, because there’s the Three Gorges Dam lies on it, and it ha’s been generating a lot of electrical power, which is used for all the families and industries in China.

雅思口语part2话题参考范文:喜欢的科技(a piece of technology)

Describe a piece of technology (not computer—related) you like to use

You should say:

What the technology is

When it was invented

What it is used for

How you feel about it

雅思口语范文之:a piece of technology you like to use

In fact, I own several techno devices & gadgets and out of those, I would like to talk about the Kindle Fire that I have. This device is produced and sold by Amazon and I ordered it from their website last year.

This device is both a tabloid and a digital book reader. To me it is a very important technology device for purchasing online products, listening audio books and reading eBooks. I have noticed that after I have bought this device, the percentage of my reading has increased significantly. I use it to read eBooks and with the Wi-Fi connectivity, it becomes easier to find books online. The charges last for a couple of weeks and this is a great device for reading books. As I bought it last year, I own it for more than a year and with time this has become an important electronic device that I own. This device is my best companion when I make my journey. The perfect design, nice outlook, good quality hardware and nice user interface make it an ideal device for book lovers. To me, this is an important device as this fulfils my appetite for reading. With the internet connection with this device, I now have access to an immense number of books and reading materials. Before purchasing it, I used to read 1 book in a month on an average which has increased to around 3-4 books per month after I bought this device.

I love and enjoy reading and this is a really good device for digital reading. It is immensely important to read and for me, this Kindle Fire is a companion I would like to have always with me. In fact, sometimes I consider it to be the most important and utilitarian electronic devices I ever had.

雅思口语part2话题参考范文:校外技能(an important skill cannot be learned at school)


Describe an important skill which cannot be learned at school

You should say:

What the skill is

Why it cannot be learned at school

Why it is important

How we learned it

One of the most valuable skills imparted to me when I was young was acting. At the time, I had no idea how vital it would become. My parents thought that such classes were foolish. At school, drama had a low status compared to subjects such as math or science. I did enjoy it, but not once did I think it could ever be beneficial. I never imagined how useful it might be later on in life. How could reciting poetry, singing, dancing and traditional stories help in the modern world? Well, I know how to use my voice, how to vary it, how to project it and how to hold people's attention with it. I know how to move with surety and how to command a presence. Learning lines and lyrics aided my memory for words and phrases in new languages. I can read aloud with confidence. I take care over my appearance and am aware of the impression I make on people. I think that all together, these are skills which will serve me well when I enter the world of business, which is what I hope to do. In the commercial environment, you need to appear trustworthy and competent if you are to represent your company well. You only have a few seconds to make the right impression and I will always be thankful to my theatre teacher for enabling me to do this!


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