“This response is sustained and the speech is generally understandable. At times, though, the speaker’s pronunciation makes it difficult to understand the meaning of her ideas. She really gives only reason why she likes shopping. This reason is used repetitively without much elaboration. Shopping is something she likes very much and makes her feel better. She could have added complexity to her ideas by saying something like “when I go shopping, I usually go with friends and we have a good time together without thinking about jobs, or school work.” She also makes some basic grammatical errors and uses a limited range of vocabulary.”
这是对于一篇Middle level的口语回答的评价。从中可以发现几个问题:
1. 发音:事实上,托福口语考试在发音方面仅仅是要求考生的发音是准确的即可,不论对于某个单词的发音是不是有浓重的口音,只要这个单词的元音发准确,重音不说错即可,因为只要满足了这两条就可以达到“make sone’s ideas/meaning understandable”的要求。这一条成为影响我们取分的首要因素。
2. 内容:文中评价该考生的口语是仅仅提出了自己为什么喜欢购物的原因,但也只是在简单地重复说自己喜欢购物,却没有用更多的内容对这一原因进行阐述。这是导致考生失分最核心的因素。考生普遍强于说理却疏于举例,而ETS考官,或者西方人的一个固有观念就是“口说无凭,举例为证”。因此,在回答的过程中,要求speaker用相当的篇幅通过一个具体的事例来证明或解释自己之前提出的观点。
3. 语法:语法问题并不是一个主要的失分点。也就是说口语是靠内容取胜的,而不是华丽的句子。内容出彩的情况下,语法上的失误可以被原谅;但是内容部完整或者说得不对的时候,语法便会成为考官扣分的又一理由。
“The speaker is fairly fluent and easy to comprehend. However, there is some hesitancy or choppiness, which seems tooccur as she searches for ideas and do not because of linguistic breakdown. In this response, the speaker has more difficulty using effective pause structure.She has a tendency to complete one thought and immediately begin the next, without pausing in between. At times she then stops and restarts the next idea, giving a somewhat rambling quality to the response. Minor but systematic grammatical errors occur but do not interfere with overall comprehensibility. The speaker states the woman’s problem clearly and with ease. Despite minor grammatical errors, she supports her opinion with fairly sophisticated reason.”
这段点评对考生极具参考价值,它告诉我们如何在自己发音及语言组织能力还有欠缺的情况下依旧取得高分。这是对一篇high level的回答做出的点评。我们从评论中不难看出,考官对于这段口语还是心存不满的,但是最终还是给了一个较高的分数。
1. 流利程度:流利与否是第一项评分点。流利不仅仅是指我们的在回答过程中是不是出现了长时间的break或者是无话可说,同时也要求考生不要一直不停地重复同一个词(这是一个非常常见的现象)甚至是重复刚才说的短语、句子。
2. 逻辑性:与写作一样,口语的回答也需要条理清晰,并且在说的时候要通过一些关联词将你听到的内容进行整理复述,使得听这段口语的人能够很容易就明白了你讲的是什么,这样就想他传达了一个强烈的信号:我听懂了。在上面这段文字中,ETS的考官向我们推荐了一个方法“pause structure”,即在回答完一个内容的时候做一个小小的停顿,告诉听者,下一个内容/观点要开始了。这样就可以弥补回答中逻辑词的发音不准或者是误用、漏用带来的失分。
3. 优势之处:尽管这段回答中存在上述诸多的错误和不足,但是仅仅一下一点就足以力挽狂澜,追回失分。
4. 准确性:综合口语考察的一个重点就是考试是不是能够准确、完整地复述出conversation或lecture中的内容。这是考生在综合口语中最大的失分原因。通过对点评的解读,不难发现,需要做的是“state … clearly and with ease”。只要做到了这点,把题目要求复述的内同清晰并以一种简单的方式说出来了,那么尽管回答中存在一些小小的语法错误(despite minor grammatical errors…),也不会影响取得高分。
Describe one of the most important inventions in the last 100 years. (06. 4.28; 07.3.10 考题)
Sample answer:
Some people might think computer is one of the most important inventions in the last century. But I'd say television. Since the invention of TV, human history has started a new page. First, TV allows people to learn about what's going on in the world. With such information, they are able to get a better understanding of the world they live in. What's more, TV provides a lot of interesting programs that many people enjoy after a long day's work. Its visual effect makes people feel less stressed and more relaxed. Most important of all, Television has a great influence on the way people think and talk
Describe the most efficient transportation in your country. (06. 4.8; 06. 12.15 考题)
Sample answer:
The most effective means of transport, I'd say, is bicycle, an indispensable companion of most Chinese even though the private cars are on the rise. Each Chinese family possesses at least one bicycle and it is especially popular among college students. Compared with cars, bicycle still has some advantages. First, it is very convenient due to its small size. It does not need special parking space and can be parked almost everywhere. Second, driven by man power, it doesn't need fuel, so it has nothing to do with air pollution and energy crisis. Third, most people can afford a bicycle, but not a more advanced car.With so many advantages, bicycle will remain to be the most effective means of transport in China in the following years.
1:describe a book you have not read but are interested in
2 do you prefer to take your cellphone always with you or not
3一个sb建议取消学生开学和advisor的见面,理由1:advisor能提供的信息网上都有 2:如果取消了,advisor的schedul就不会那么满了,所以可以讨论其他事
猛男登场:不同意 1:advisor 可以提供更多信息 2,只要预约地够早,就不存在问题
4:就是这篇死机,太阳。 阅读介绍了一种雨林中的寄生植物,然后听力一部分讲了它有个碗状构造,可以接水也可以接动植物残骸,
5:一个人要演奏,但学校的礼堂在周末都被预约了。解决方法1在周三晚上演奏,但观众可能不多: 2和另一个乐队一起演奏,但时间紧张
3、2个人讨论~报纸上说~要取消一个座谈会~大概就是advisor和学生交流~关于选什么课的~原因是很难定时间来满足双方~然后男的说~这做法不好 因为网上信息不全~人们很难交流哪个课很好 该选哪个~还有就是~上网报名人太多了~到了那天~大家都上去~校园网受不了~ 最后问男生看法
4、男生有个乐队 准备开歌唱 女生就觉得这个主意很好 但男的说 有2个方案 要不就是自己开 但只有周三有场子 怕人少~要不就是和另一个乐队一起在周末搞~你一半我一半这样~~~ 然后题目问你是赞成哪一种方案~~
5、说到了销售~开头就是 我们卖的不仅仅是产品`````讲2种做法~能attract消费者~比如包装用玻璃~看得清楚~或者加些小玩意~这个拿cookies举例```` 问的是教授介绍了哪2种方法
6、是词汇很难的植物题 先给文章 说一种植物在雨林怎么生存 然后是lecture 说的另一植物 有同样的特点 比如~get suport from the trees~这样可以长高~(所以肯定是藤蔓类的)阳光就可以照到~还有一个就是他们的shape~可以储存rain water~这样有需要的时候就能够用```最后问 通过对第二种的描述~说说第一种在雨林生存有哪些特点
Task 1
What type of music do you enjoy most? Explain why you enjoy this type of music. Include reasons and details in you explanation.
Task 2
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It’s easier to teach children in primary schools than students in universities. Include reasons and details in your explanation.
Task 3
【大学通知】:美国大学要求参加西班牙Spain留学交换项目的美国学生到西班牙以后住校live on campus。好处1、住宿费便宜cheap。好处2、可以和native Spanish speaker住在一起,有利于学习西班牙语learn language(Spanish)和西班牙文化。
【学生议论】:女生反对此计划。理由1、其实学生在校园周边也能找到便宜的房子。她举了她sister home stay的例子。她已经找到一个本地家庭local family愿意租,房租相当便宜。理由2、和美国学生住在一起,大家都说英语,没法学习improve西班牙语言和文化。所以要搬出去住,只是不要说英语。
Task 4
Task 5
【学生困难】:女生要在校报发表一篇paper,但文章写得too long to publish。
【解决方案】:男编辑给他两个方案:方案1、删掉一半cut off the paper / make it shorter就能立即出版。但女生觉得每个部分都很重要,不愿意cut,要弄短就只能Summarize了。方案2、到暑期版summer issue上发表publish。女生不太愿意,因为暑假大家都放假了,没人看得到。
Task 6
【讲课要点】:不能自身移动的海底sea bottom动物dwellers(居民)获得食物的方法feed有两种:第一种、active method:举例:海葵sea anemone [??nem?ni] 伪装成植物,寄生在其他动物身上,寄主又会放毒液,这样sea anemone [??nem?ni]就能捕住食物了。第二种、passive method,举例:牡蛎Oyster[??ist?],不动。坐等海水流把微生物tiny material送到嘴边