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441. you haven’t done your duty well enough.你没有尽到你的责任。

442. we will not only study english, but also study japanese next term下学期我们不仅学英语,还要学日语。.

443. it’s necessary to attend each other’s lectures.相互听课很有必要。

444. we often teach and learn from one another.我们经常互帮互学。

445. at the end of the term, the teachers are checked up.学期结束时,老师们要接受检查。

446. my teacher has many resources(materials) on(for) teaching.我的老师有很多教学资料。

447. you’re to make-up study on english now.现在你们要补学英语。

448. our examination system isn’t still wonderful now.我们现在的考试制度还不是很完美。

449. you’d better form the habit of studying.大家最好养成学习的好习惯。

450. no smoking here.这里严禁吸烟。

451. smoking is harmful to your health.吸烟有害健康。

452. a foreign language is a useful weapon in economic struggle.外语是一种经济斗争的有力武器。

453. he never lose heart(lost hope).他从不失去信心。

454. he went on fighting until the victory was got.他仍在奋斗,直到取得胜利。

455. we still need to move on.我们还是要坚持前进。

456. stop living in the past.不要总是生活在过去的阴影里。

457. he gave his life to the cause of revolutionary. 他为革命事业献出了自己的一生。

458. we must fight for the aftertime(future) of our motherland.我们一定要为我们祖国的未来而奋斗。

459. the people helped each other in their fight against the flood.大家齐心协力,与洪水展开决战。

460. i will be pride of you when you take great contribute for the society.你们能对社会做出伟大贡献,我也会很自豪。

