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Not vexed by reading comprehensively though futilely, I deal seriously with teaching and handling affairs and have no regret for suffering losses.

中国加入世界贸易组织的谈判已经进行了 15 年了。中国的立场始终如一。

China has been engaged in the talks for entry into the WTO for 15 years with its consistent stance.


The build ing is not well built.


the furthering economic globalization and rapid/swift/speedy/prompt development of science and technology


A strong, prosperous and developed China will pose no threat to any countries.


Our relations have so grown that bind us not only as close friends but also as brothers.


Thanks to the rapid development in the past 20-plus years, a relatively solid foundation in terms of material wealth and technology has been laid in the western region of China.

The rapid development in the past 20-plus years witnesses a relatively solid foundation in terms of material wealth and technology in the western region of China.


Through creating a favorable background, China will be devoted to building a national system for innovation to promote the innovation in knowledge, technology and system, which is the only path/indispensable/essential for China to achieve cross-century/trans-century/century-crossing/turn-of-the-century development.



The APEC meeting in this year will focus mainly on two aspects: one is on strengthening the cooperation among all APEC members to cope with the possible economic recession with rebuilt-up confidence; the other is on promoting the liberalizat ion of trade and investment among all APEC members for the start of a new round of negotiations by WTO.


Many trad itional U.S. supporters clearly withdrew their votes to signal displeasure over U.S. unilateralism.

The rest of the world will have to react to this millennial economic shift to Asia, and to the rising power of China.


The project budget sustains both the existence of graduate students and the fiscal solvency of the univers ity.


地球日 Earth Day (April 22)

地球资源卫星 earth resources satellite 地区霸权主义 regional hegemonism 地区差异 regional disparity

地 热 ground-source heat

地热资源 geothermal resources

滴入式经济 trickle-down economy

第三产业 tertiary industry; service sector

第三代移动电话(3G 手机) third-generation mobile; 3G mobile

地市级城市 prefecture-level city

低水平重复建设 low-level redundant development

第四产业 the fourth industry

迪斯尼乐园 Disney Land

地下出版物 underground publications 地下核试验 underground nuclear test 地下经济 underground economy

地下钱庄 illegal private bank 地效飞机 land-effect plane 第一发球权 first inning

第一发球员 first server


I. Vocabulary and Structure (1 point each, 35 points in all)

1. English people often take umbrellas with them when they go out because they don't want to be in a rain.

A. seized B. got C. captured D. caught

2. Whenever Tom knew I was in trouble, he always lends me a hand.

A. might B. would C. could D. should

3. There is an arrow on the wall _ the direction of advance.

A. pointing B. identifying

C. marking D. indicating

4. The spaceman found to look at the earth away from it

A. a most exciting experience B. it a most exciting experience

C.that a most exciting experience D.the experience most

5. As people live longer, they to change their ideas about life

A. like B.tend C.wish D.long

6. any instructiorts from the Head Office, we couldn't make any decision.

A. Not receiving B.Receiving no C.Not having recived D.Having not received

7. The design was so that you could not find any fault in it.

A. delicate B. elaborate C. fancy D. complicated

8. So fast that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed.

A. light travels B. travels light

C. do light travel D. does light travel

9. She longed to visit Italy, _ she often dreamt about it.

A. so seriously that B. so eagerly that

C. to such an extent that D. so anxiously that

10. Even if he _ here, he would not be able to help us.

A. is B. had been C. has been D. were

11. The classroom is quite clean _ some waste paper on the floor. :

A. except for B. except C. besides D. without

12. He is the only one of those boys who _ willing to take a make-up exam

A. is B. were C. has been D. was

13. He speaks English well indeed, but of course not a native speaker

A. as fluent as B. more fluent than

C. so fluently as D. much fluently than

14. Nuclear science should be developed to benefit the people _ harm them.

A. rather than B. other than

C. more than D. better than

15. Everyone is working harder, and living a happier life now, _ ?

A. isn't one B. aren't we

C. isn't it D. aren't they

16. Sorry, I didn't know _ Dr. Smith has already returned from his holiday. I'II go and see him in a minute

A. that B. when C. whether D. if

17. There's little chance that mankind would a nuclear war.

A. retain B. endure C. maintain D. survive

18. It was a soldier who happened to be there saved the girl from the danger

A. where B. how C. that D. when

19. The dictionary she bought is that I have.

A. twice as much as B. as twice much as

C. twice more than D. twice than

20. When I took his temperature, it was two degrees above _ .

A. average B. ordinary C. regular D. normal

21. I was really anxious about you. You home without a word

A. mustn't leave B. shouldn't have left

C. couldn't have left D. needn' t leave

22. If you your name and address on the card, we'll send the book to you as soon as it is retumed.

A. go over B. fill in

C. find out D.carry out

23. Would you like more coffee? I'm sure you would .

A. much B. few C. any D.a lot

24. These are common materials we are all familiar.

A. about which B. of which

C. with which D. to which

25. of danger, he jumped into the river all at once.

A. Because B. In terms C. Instead D. carry out

26. When I leave the research institute next week, I there for 18 years.

A. shall be working B. will work

C. shall have worked D. have worked

27. The number of children from l to 15 in different families.

A. varies B. seems C. changes D. turns

28. In ancient time's people used to build their houses with materials .

A. convenient B. important C. available D. natural

29. She agreed without the slightest .

A. hesitation B. thinking C. look D. hope

30. Is there any they'll ever find a cure for the common cold?

A. prospective B. prospect C. prosperity D. prosperous

31. Some people are color-blinded and cannot between blue and green.

A. distinguish B. differ C. separate D. divide

32. knows the name of this song will receive a prize from the radio station.

A.One B.Who C. Anyone D. Whoever

33. All the countries are customers or customers of the United States.

A. potential B.pretended C.preventive D.pretective

34. The safety rules are__ anyone.

A. applied on B. applied in C. applied for D. applied to

35. We got to the station only _ that the train had just left.

A. learned B. to learn C. learning D. having learned

I. Vocabulary and Structure

1.【翻译】 英国人外出时经常带把雨伞因为他们不想淋雨.

【解析】 D英语中,淋雨用catch的被动形式表达.

2.【翻译】 只要汤姆知道我遇到麻烦,他总会帮我一把.

【解析】 B本题中would表示过去常常发生的动作.

3.【翻译】 墙上有只箭,表示前进的方向.

【解析】 D point意为"指向";identify意为"辨认";mark意为"标示";indicate意为"表示".

4.【翻译】 宇航员发现从远处观看地球令人激动不已.

【解析】 B 本题考核形式宾语的应用.句子中it是形式宾语,a most exciting experience为名词短语作宾语补足语.

5.【翻译】 随着人们年龄的增长,他们对人生的看法渐渐改变.

【解析】 B 四个选项均可用作动词,其中like意为"喜欢";tend意为"趋向:wish意为"希望";long意为"渴望".

6-【翻译】 没有接到总部的指示,我们做不了决定.

【解析】C本题考查分词的时态与分词的否定式.根据题意判断,分词的动作(接到指示)发生在谓语动词的动作(做决定)之前,因此用分词的完成式.分词的否定式的构成为not+分词.该句可理解为:Because we had not received any instructions from the Head Office, we couldn't make any decision.

7.【翻译】 这个设计如此精心以至于你找不到任何差错.

【解析】 B本题考核近义形容词的区别.delicate意为"精美的,精致的";elaborate意为"精心制作的";fancy意为"别致的,花哨的";complicated意为"复杂的".

8.【翻译】 光传播如此地快以至于我们难以想象它的速度.

【解析】 D本句中So在句首,谓语动词要用倒装形式.

9.【翻译】 她做梦都渴望游览意大利.

【解析】 C so…that与such…that的意思和句法作用相同,但是因为so(adv.)和such(adj.)的词类不同,所以so...that和such...that的句子结构也不同.试比较:so+ adj. /adv.+that clause(so后跟形容词或副词);such( a/an)+n.+that clause(8uch后跟名词).

10.【翻译】 即使他在这儿,他也不能够帮助我们.

【解析】 D虚拟现在时表示与现在事实相反的假设,其条件从句的谓语形式用动词的过去式(be -般用were),主句用would/should/could/might+动词原形.

11.【翻译】 教室很干净,只是地板上有几片碎纸屑.

【解析】 A本题考核近义词的用法区别.except for的宾语与前述对象完全是两回事;except:指同一类事物的总体中除去一部分;besides:强调"除此之外,还包括";without:"没有".

12.【翻译】 他是愿意参加补考的唯一男生.

【解析】 A本题考核主谓一致的语法现象.主句为一般现在时,而定语从句的先


13.【翻译】 他说英语确实很好,当然没有以英语为母语者说得流利.

【解析】 C本题考核修饰部分的语法应用.后半句可看作是句子的状语成分,用副词修饰谓语动词.同时注意not as( so) ...as的应用.

14.【翻译】 发展核科学应该为人们带来益处而不是带来危害.

【解析】 A rather than意为"而不是";other than意为"除了,不同于";more than意为"多于";better than意为"好于".

15.【翻译】 现在每人都在努力工作,过着幸福生活,是吗?

【解析】 D 当陈述部分的主语为everybody,everyone,anybody,anyone,nobody等 表示人的不定代词时,反义疑问句的主语在日常英语中通常用they.如:Everyone has been to Shanghai,haven't they?如果陈述部分的主语是everything,anything,nothing 等表示物的不定代词时,附加问句的主语常用it,不用they.如:Everything is getting along quite well, isn't it?

16.【翻译】 对不起,我不知道Dr. Smith已经度假回来.我马上去看他.

【解析】 A本题考核宾语从句的掌握情况.I didn't know是主句部分,Dr. Smith has already returned from his holiday是宾语从句,其连接词为that.

17.【翻译】 人类不可能在核战争中生存.

【解析】 D retain意为"保持,保留";endure意为"忍受";maintain意为"维持,维修";survive意为"生存".

18.【翻译】 是一位恰巧路过的战士在危险中挽救了那位姑娘.

【解析】 C本句须用强调句,其句子结构是"It is/was - - - that".

19.【翻译】 她买的词典是我买的词典的价格的两倍.

【解析】 A在倍数的表达中,两倍用twice或two times,三倍以上用基数词加times,twice as much as意为"是……的两倍".

20.【翻译】 当我给他测体温时,高于正常两度.

【解析】 D average意为"平均";ordinary意为"普通";regular意为"规则";normal 意为"正常".

21.【翻译】 我真的为你着急.你不该不说一声就离家.

【解析】 B"should have+ -ed分词"结构用来表示"应该已经……","本来应该……",即过去该做某事但实际没有做,其否定式"shouldn't have+ -ed分词"意为"本来不应该……",即过去不应该做某事实际却做了.

22.【翻译】 如果你在卡片上填入你的姓名,地址,只要书归还我们就将其寄给你.

【解析】 B go over意为"复习,回顾";fill in意为"填入";find out意为"找到,发现";carry out意为"执行".

23.【翻译】 再喝些咖啡吗?我想你需要.

【解析】 C句中more意为"再来些",其修饰语应为some或any.

24.【翻译】 这些是我们都熟悉的普通材料.

【解析】 C 本题考核定语从句介词前置的语法现象.短语be familiar with的介词with放在关系代词which前面.

25.【翻译】 他不顾危险,毅然跳入河中.

【解析】 D根据题意,跳人河中是危险的行为,because表示原因;in terms of意为"按照";instead of意为"代替,而不是";regardless of意为"不顾".

26.【翻译】 到下周我离开研究所时,我将已在那里工作18年.

【解析】 C将来完成时表示在将来某一个时间之前完成的动作.它常与表将来的时间状语连用.

27.【翻译】 不同家庭中孩子的数量不同,在l到15个之间.

【解析】 A本题考核近义动词辨析.vary意为"呈现不同,变化";seem意为"看起来像";change意为"变化,改变";turn意为"转变".

28.【翻译】 古代人们用手头的材料盖房子.

【解析】 C convenient意为"方便的";important意为"重要的";available意为"可得到的";natural意为"自然的".

29.【翻译】 她毫不犹豫地同意了.

【解析】 A hesitation意为"犹豫";thinking意为"思想,思维";look意为"长相,相貌";hope意为"希望". :

30.【翻译】 他们有找到治愈普通感冒的可能性吗?

【解析】 B prospective为形容词,意为"可能的,未来的";prospect为名词,意为"前景,可能性";prosperity为名词,意为"繁荣,兴旺";prosperous为形容词,意为"繁荣的,兴旺的".

31.【翻译】 有些人是色盲,分辨不出蓝色和绿色.

【解析】 A本题考核近义动词的区别.distinguish意为"分辨出";differ意为"不同,差异";separate意为"使分开";divide意为"分割,划分".

32.【翻译】 无论谁知道这首歌的名字就能从电台得到一份奖品. j

【解析】 D who与whoever的区别在于意思不一样.who指谁,是特殊疑问词,用于疑问句;whoever是"无论谁",引导主语从句,有时也引导宾语从句.

33.【翻译】 所有的国家均是美国的客户或潜在客户.

【解析】 A potential意为"潜在的";pretended意为"装扮的,假装的";preventive意为"预防的,防止的";protective意为"保护的".

34.【翻译】 安全规定适用于每个人.

【解析】 D apply to意为"适用于";apply for意为"申请".

35.【翻译】 我们到达车站结果却发现火车刚刚开走.


★ 人事部翻译考试三级笔译出题规律

★ 英语翻译

★ 高级笔译考前必看实用翻译技巧



