GRE写作优质词汇汇总分享, 描述和逻辑关系词汇一览,我们来看看吧,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。
GRE写作优质词汇汇总分享 描述和逻辑关系词汇一览
交织 intertwine;interweave
好奇心 the eager desire to know;curiosity
尊敬 respect;esteem;think highly of
顽固的 headstrong;obstinate;stubborn
暗淡的 gloomy;dark;dim
巨大的 huge;gigantic;colossal;vast;enormous;tremendous
探索 explore;fathom
执行 carry out;execute;do
现代 modern times;modern age;contemporary age
偏见 prejudice;bias;partiality;predilection
混乱 chaos;commotion;confusion;disturbance;tumult
无缺点的 flawless;airtight
警觉的 alert;watchful;on guard;wary of
忍受 bear;put up with;endure;stand
突然醒悟 it dawned on me that
仔细思考之后 after long deliberation;after careful thought
一般而言 in general;generally speaking;by and large
满于现状 be happy with what you are
预测未来 project into the future
另一个观点是… another way of looking at the matter is…
不宜取笑… it is not decent to make fun of…
评估社会文化因素 assess (evaluate) sociocultural factors
那并非说… that does not mean that…
那有这回事 there is no such thing as
一个有待克服的困难是… a major hurdle for us to overcome is…
由…造成 caused by;attributable to;due to;resulting from
由…组成 is made up of…;is comprised of;consist
必须从两方面考虑此问题 this problem needs to be considered on two dimensions:
限制 limit;restrict;refrain;restrain;keep within limits;confine;keep in check
一般人认为… conventional wisdom suggests that…
这方法有陷阱 the method had pitfalls:
说服 convince;persuade;cause to believe
具体的 specific;concrete;tangible
刻意的 intentional;on purpose;intended
费时间去了 解…take time to acquaint oneself with…
…是此问题的核心 …is at the root of the issue
无法估计 is beyond calculation;incalculable
无资格的 disqualified
GRE写作优质词汇汇总分享 对比和论述功能词汇一览
可互换的 interchangeable
可与…相比 is comparable with (to)
普遍的 prevailing;common;prevalent
是一个对比 is a sharp contrast to
比作 is likened to;is compared to
多样化的 heterogeneous
单一性的 homogeneous
根据 according to;on the basis of;on the ground of (that);in the light of;in line with;in accordance with
逃避问题 evade the question
增大 enlarge;extend;aggrandize
澄清 clarify;make clear
赔偿 compensate for;give…as compensation for
实现 carry out;implement;realize;make…come true
假定 suppose;assume;postulate;hypothesize
极端的 radical;extreme
极端的措施 drastic measures
剩下的 the rest;the remainder;what is left
换言之 in other words;put another way
结果 result;aftermath;consequence
优点 advantage;strength;strong point;merit;benefit
简言之 put simply;in short;in brief;in a nutshell
举例而言 for instance;for example;to illustrate;let us cite
特别是 an illustration;to cite a concrete case
特别是 especially;more than others;particularly;in particular
既然…now that…;seeing that…
迹象 inkling;hint;clue;a slight suggestion
缺点 disadvantage;demerit;shortcoming;drawback;weakness
除去 do away with;eliminate;remove;get rid of
缺少 for lack of;for a deficiency of
毕竟 after all;all in all
范围 scope;field;realm
潜力 potential;
一些 a range of ;a variety of ;a series of ;an array of
无数 innumerable ;countless
许多 plenty of ;many ;much ;a great deal of ;a lot of ;ample
非常多(大)的 tremendous
依序列举 list in sequence
过时的 outdated ;antiquated ;outmoded ;obsolete ;anachronistic
短暂的 ephemeral ;transitory ;transient ;short-lived
不合时宜的 anachronism
可持久的 durable ;able to stand wear ;last a long time
一再 time after time ;again and again
初始的 preliminary
前述的 aforementioned ;aforesaid ;former
自古到今 from ancient times to the present day ;down through the ages
年轻人 young people ;youngster ;youth ;young adult
老式的 old-fashioned ;out of date ;dated
偶尔 from time to time ;now and then ;once in a while ;at times
想法 frame of mind;mind set;the way one is thinking
想出 come up with
找出 come up with;find out
利用 use;take advantage of
夸耀 brag about;boast about;show off;speak too highly of
照顾 take care of;take charge of;attend to;watch over
对…很了解 have a deep knowledge of…
对抗权威 stand up against authority;resisit boldly the authority
对…有信心 have confidence in
说清楚 articulate;verbalize;put in words;utter
接受…之美意 embrace the offer of…
累积 amass;accumulate;heap up;assemble
连系 tact;get in touch with;contact with
排除这可能性 rule out the possibility
等于 is equivalent to;equal
选择 choose;elect;opt for;pick;single out
发出 deliver;give out;hand over
绕路 detour;take a detour;take a roundabout way
什么是Qualify a statement?
qualify 这个单词简直像一个恶魔一样缠绕着的考GRE的同学们,在填空和阅读中层出不穷。很多同学总是不能够理解这个单词,虽然我们在佛脚词汇表中把它翻译成“通过添加限定条件进行限定”,但是仍然过于抽象,所以今天我给大家举几个例子,来解释什么叫做qualify 。
1. 词典解读
(1) to reduce from a general to a particular or restricted form
(2) to make less harsh or strict
但总之我么能体现出当我们qualify一个东西后他变的没那么强烈了,从更普遍变得更狭窄了。这是什么感觉呢?我们来举两个例子大家 就明白了。
2. 例子来啦
Taxes on imports are too high.
Oftentimes, taxes on imports are too high.
常见的qualifier还有:sometimes, most often, most, most likely , appears, seems, suggests, indicates等等。
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