GRE攻略词汇难关需注意2大常见误区 ,考G背单词不是难度越高就越好,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。
GRE词汇量有多少?根据一般的说法,会给出两万的答案。不过两万到底是什么概念?通过对比帮助大家了解一下,如果你高中毕业,你的英语词汇应该有2000至3000的积累,这2000到3000词相对简单,里面很多是is, do, run这类简单词汇。如果你考过了四级,那么你的词汇会有4000左右。如果你考过了六级,那么会达到6000词。如果你考过托福或者雅思,你的词汇积累大概在8000到12000之间。从这里想必大家对两万的词汇量就有一个大致概念了。而这么大的词汇量,对比从高中毕业,到考六级,用时三年左右,词汇增长4000,而考托福、GRE往往用一两年就要考完,那么在如此短暂的时间里,词汇需要一跃增长8000到一万,就是硬性任务。从时间跨度来看,难度有多大可想而知。
如果说词汇量大新词多还不够让人难受,那么词汇本身的难度可以说是压垮骆驼的最后一根稻草。GRE词汇涉及大量学术类比较专业正式的词汇,这类词汇的特点是组成字母多,词汇长,拼写繁复,同时拼写相似的词汇很多,而词义上也多有相似但是程度和褒贬不同的情况。举几个例子:deny(否认),defy(反抗);assume(假定), consume(消费,消灭), resume(摘要,简历,重新开始,恢复), presume(假定)等。看着一堆动辄近10个字母组成,拼写上长得很像又意思接近的词汇,想必谁都不会觉得GRE词汇简单。
dipsomania n.嗜酒狂
kleptomania n.盗窃癖
megalomania n.自大狂
pyromania n.纵火狂
monomania n. 对一事的热狂,偏执狂
mania n.癫狂,狂热
maniacal adj.发狂的,狂热的
ardor n.热情,狂热
berserk adj.狂怒的,疯狂的
delirium n.精神错乱,发狂
fad n.(流行一时的)狂热,时尚
fanatic adj.狂热的,盲信的 n.狂热者
fanaticism n.狂热 盲信
frantic adj.疯狂的,狂乱的
insane adj.疯狂的
insanity n.疯狂,愚昧
lunacy n.疯狂,愚行
paranoia n.偏执狂,多疑症
paranoid adj.偏执狂的,过分怀疑的
possessed adj.疯狂的
queer adj.奇怪的,疯狂的
rabid adj.患狂犬病的,疯的,失去理性的
tempestuous adj狂暴的
voyeur n.窥淫狂者,窥隐私者
zealot n.狂热份子,热心者
unhinge v 使发狂,使错乱
distort v. 扭曲
assumption n. 假设
irrelevant n. 不相关 adj. 无关系的
pragmatic adj. 实用主义的, 务实的
skeptical n. 怀疑态度 adj. 多疑的 n. 怀疑论者
superfluous adj. 多余的
anomalous adj. 反常的
cultural adj. 文化的
explicit adj. 明确的, 旗帜鲜明的 adv. 明确地
undermine v. 破坏; 削弱
predictable adv. 可预见地 adj. 可预测的, 预计的
biological adj. 生物的, 生物学的
contradict v. 与…矛盾
creation n. 创造
intrigue v. 激起…的兴趣、 欲望或好奇心
ironically adv. 讽刺地 adj. 讽刺的
random adj. 任意的, 随机的 n. 随机性 adv. 随便地
realistic adj. 现实的 adv. 现实地
suppress v. 压制, 制止
acknowledge v. 承认
paradox n. 似非而是的论点, 自相矛盾的话 adv. 自相矛盾地 adj. 自相矛盾的
constitute v. 构成
cynicism n. 愤世嫉俗 adj. 愤世嫉俗的 n. 愤世嫉俗者
disdain v. 蔑视
diversity n. 多样性
inherent adj. 内在的 adv. 本质上地
repudiate v. 放弃; 否认
selective adj. 选择性的 adv. 有选择地 n. 选择性
adolescent adj. 青春期的, 青少年的 n. 青少年
belie v. 证明(某事)错误
cautious adj. 小心的, 谨慎的
controversial adj. 有争议的 n. 争论
crucial adj. 关键的
deliberate adj. 故意的 adv. 故意地 v. 仔细考虑, 权衡
economics n. 经济学
idiosyncratic adj. 有特点的 adv. 个性地
insight n. 洞察力; 见识; 深刻的理解 adj. 有深刻见解的
intimidate n. 恐吓, 威胁 v. 恐吓
intuition adj. 直觉的 n. 直觉 adj. 直觉的
minimal adj. 最小的 v. 将…减到最少
nurture v. 养育
opposition n. 反对, 对立
historian n. 历史学家
plausible adj. 似乎正确的, 似乎可信的
profound adj. 极度的 adv. 深刻地
sporadic adj. 偶尔发生的, 间或出现的
whereas conj. 但是
ambivalent adj. 矛盾的 n. 矛盾心理
discredit v. 使怀疑; 败坏…的名声
disinterested adj. 公平的 n. 公正无私
1. impudent / imprudent
impudent: very rude
imprudent: not wise or sensible: not prudent
2. insolent / indolent / redolent
insolent: rude or impolite
indolent: not liking to work or be active
redolent: causing thoughts or memories of something
3. witty / witting
witty: funny and clever
witting: cognizance / news
4. discernible / discerning
discernible: able to be identified as separate and distinct
discerning: able to see and understand people, things, or situations clearly and intelligently
5. exhaustive / exhausted
exhaustive: including all possibilities: very thorough
exhausted: be tired out or worn out
6. aver / avert / averse / avow / advent /advert
aver: to say something in a very strong and definite way
avert: to prevent (something bad) from happening
averse: having an active feeling of repugnance or distaste
avow: to declare or state (something) in an open and public way
advent: second coming
advert: announcement; notification
7. feckless / reckless
feckless: weak and ineffective; worthless;irresponsible
reckless: not showing proper concern about the possible bad results of your actions
8. mean / mien
mien: a person’s appearance or facial expression
9. humdrum / conundrum
humdrum: dull, boring, and ordinary
conundrum: a confusing or difficult problem
10.immune / immure / inure
immure: to enclose within or as if within walls
inure: to cause (someone) to be less affected by something unpleasant
11. enjoin / adjoin
enjoin: to direct or order (someone) to do something; to prevent (someone) from doing something
adjoin (of a building, room, area of land, etc. ): to be next to or joined with something
12.abjure / adjure
abjure: to reject (something) formally
adjure: to urge or command (someone) to do something
13.bypass / surpass / impasse / impassive
bypass: to avoid or ignore (someone or something) especially to get something done quicker
impasse: a situation in which no progress seems possible
impassive: not showing emotion
14.pertinacious / tenacious
pertinacious: adhering resolutely to an opinion, purpose, or design; stubbornly tenacious
tenacious: very determined to do something
15.endanger / engender
engender: to be the source or cause of something
16.intellectual /intelligible / intelligent
intelligible: able to be understood
17.perquisite / prerequisite
perquisite: gratuity, tip
prerequisite: something that you officially must have or do before you can have or do something else
18.passionate / dispassionate
dispassionate: not influenced or affected by emotions
19.precocity / preciosity
precocity: the phenomenon of a child showing the qualities or abilities of an adult at an unusually early age
preciosity: fastidious refinement
20.apprehend / reprehend / comprehend
apprehend: to notice and understand (something); (of police) to arrest (someone)
reprehend: the voice disapproval of: censur