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Islamic law is a phenomenon so different from all other forms of law---notwithstanding, of course, a considerable and inevitable number of coincidences with one or the other of them as far as subject matter and positive enactment are concerned---that its study is indispensable in order to appreciate adequately the full range of possible legal phenomena。



(1)Islamic law (2)is a (3)phenomenon (4)so different from all other forms of law---notwithstanding, of course,(5)(it has) (6)a considerable and inevitable number of coincidences with one or the other of them /(7)as far as subject matter and positive enactment are concerned/---(8)that its study is indispensable (9)in order to appreciate adequately the full range of possible legal phenomena。



1. 不难发现整个句子的主语就是Islamic law,即伊斯兰法

2. is为整个句子的谓语

3. phenomenon作为整个句子的宾语


1+2+3=句子的主干:伊斯兰的法律是一个法律现象:Islamic law is a phenomenon


4. 我们需要注意的是notwithstanding这个词,句子中的插入语之所以比较难懂的主要一个原因在于对notwithstanding的理解,notwithstanding作为介词,相当于in spite of(不管,不顾,尽管),这对于大多数考生来说是陌生的。

5. 这里加上省略的it has使得句子更加清楚易懂

6. 这一部分是对主语Islamic law的解释说明,即“伊斯兰法与其他的某些法律存在着大量的和必然的一致之处。

7. as far as表示“至于,就.。.而言”

8. 整句话中贯穿了so...that句型

9. in order to appreciate adequately the full range of possible legal phenomena。这句话中包含一个倒装,正常语序的appreciate the full range of possible legal phenomena adequately中的副词adequately被提到appreciate的宾语之前。





从分析结果来看插入语的内容对理解文章基本没有什么作用,其实这句话中的插入语根本不用读,也可以根据插入语前后的内容猜出其意思:插入语前后的内容是伊斯兰法与其他法律不同,插入部分以notwithstanding开头,又有of course,可见插入部分一定是让步语气,因此可以对前后的内容取非,猜出插入部分一定是在说伊斯兰法与其他法律有相同之处。所以,如果遇到很长的插入语最好跳过,看懂前后的内容再回头来看插入语。

GRE阅读:The Color Purple

The publication of The Color Purple transformed Alice Walker from an indu- bitably serious black writer whose fiction belonged to a tradition of gritty, if occasionally "magical," realism into a popular novelist, with all the perquisites and drawbacks attendant on that position. Unlike either The Third Life of Grange Copland (1970) or Meridian (1976), The Color Purple gained imme- diate and widespread public acceptance, winning both the Pulitzer Prize and the American Book Award for 1982-83. At the same time, however, it generated immediate and widespread critical unease over what appeared to be manifest flaws in its composition. Robert Towers, writing in the New York Review of Books, concluded that on the evidence of The Color Purple "Alice Walker still has a lot to learn about plotting and structuring what is clearly intended to be a realistic novel." His opinion was shared by many reviewers, who pointed out variously that in the last third of the book the narrator-protagonist Celie and her friends are propelled toward a fairytale happy ending with more velocity than credibility; that the letters from Nettie, with their disconcertingly literate depictions of life in an African village, intrude into the middle of the main action with little apparent motivation or warrant; and that the device of the letters to God is especially unrealistic inasmuch as it foregoes the concretizing details that traditionally have given the epistolatory form its peculiar verisimilitude: the secret writing-place, the cache, the ruses to enable posting letters, and especially the letters received in return.




但同时,我们在阅读文章的过程中也常常会碰到这样的一种单词,那就是专有名词,尤其是涉及全文主题的专有名词,难道我们就必须一一认识它?答案显然是否定的。什么叫做认识专有名词?从英到汉的翻译叫做认识?还是知道专有名词的特征叫做认识?读者请想想看,我们在阅读理解中有没有遇到过这样的问题提法:What is sedge root? 我想没有,因为这种问法是在问专有名词的翻译。我们遇到的更多是这样的一些问法:According to the passage, which of the following statements about sedge root is true? What can be inferred from the passage about sedge root? 这些问题的提法却是在问专有名词的文中阐述特征。我们再从文章本身对这个问题做出进一步的分析。

假设原文有这样一句话:Sedge root, a woody fiber that can be easily separated into strands, is essential to basketry production. 请问sedge root的中文翻译“莎草的根” 能够帮助我们解决阅读理解题目吗?我想很难!真正能够帮助我们解决阅读理解题目的应该是这样的文字a woody fiber (木制纤维)和定语从句中的文字部分can be easily separated into strands (能够轻易地被分割成线)。通过以上的分析,想必大家已经非常清楚地认识到,过去我们拼命去死记硬背专有名词的中文释义是多么愚蠢的行为。因为真正的认识应该是对特征的认识,所以一个专有名词和他的中文释义对我们来说是没有任何意义的,毕竟我们对它们都没有任何的概念。

最后很多人都说我们可以从上下文中猜出单词的释义,难道真的是这样么? 笔者认为从上下文中猜出单词的释义是不现实的。例如有这样一句话“Supernova is a massive star which undergoes gravitational collapse.” 我们是不可能从上下文中猜出supernova的释义“超新星”的。而我们真正能够做到的只是从上下文中猜出单词的特征:supernova是巨大的恒星(massive star),它在进行引力收缩(undergoes gravitational collapse)。于是以后当我们遇到不认识的单词,我们可以再也不用停下来思考单词的释义,也不用费尽思量地去猜所谓的单词的释义,我们需要做的只是静下心来在后面找到单词在文章当中传达的特征就可以.


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