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举个例子,官方真题Official1 Timberline Vegetation on Mountains中的第三题:Whichof the following can be inferred from paragraph 1 about the upper and lower timberlines?

拿到题目后首先看疑问词,问的是which,另外infer出现表示这是一道推断题,这两步骤都可以一扫而过,关键点在about之后,找到要我们推断的点是什么,此题问的是the upper and lower timberlines,and的出现表示是并列结构,也就说下面选项中所推断的信息必须同时符合the upper timberlines 和 the lower timberlines的特征,必须是共同的特征。理解清楚题目后再回原文找the upper timberlines 和 the lower timberlines,找到他们描述的共同点就是答案所在之处了。


Railroads reshaped the North American environment and reoriented North American behavior. In a quarter of a century, claimed the Omaha Daily Republican in 1883, they have made the people of the United States homogeneous, breaking through the peculiarities and provincialisms which marked separate and unmingling sections.

The railroad simultaneously stripped the landscape of the natural resources, made velocity of transport and economy of scale necessary parts of industrial production, and carried consumer goods to households; it dispatched immigrants to unsettled places, drew emigrants away from farms and villages to cities, and sent men and guns to battle. It standardized time and travel, seeking to annihilate distance and space by allowing movement at any time and in any season or type of weather. In its grand and impressive terminals and stations, architects recreated historic Roman temples and public baths, French chateaus and Italian bell towers — edifices that people used as stages for many of everyday life's high emotions: meeting and parting, waiting and worrying, planning new starts or coming home.

Passenger terminals, like the luxury express trains that hurled people over spots, spotlight the romance of railroading. (The twentieth-Century Limited sped between Chicago and New York in twenty hours by 1915). Equally important to everyday life were the slow freight trans chugging through industrial zones, the morning and evening commuter locals shuttling back ions and urban terminals, and the incessant comings and goings that occurred in the classifications, or switching, yards. Moreover, in addition to its being a transportation pathway equipped with a mammoth physical plant of tracks signals, crossings, bridges, and junctions, plus telegraph and telephone lines the railroad nurtured factory complexes, coat piles, warehouses, and generating stations, forming along its right-of-way what has aptly been called the metropolitan corridor of the American landscape.

1. What does the passage mainly discuss?

(A) The influence of ancient architecture on the design of railroad terminals

(B) The importance of natural resources in the development of railroads

(C) The railroad's impact on daily life in the United States in the nineteenth century

(D) Technological improvements in the area of communication in the nineteenth century

2. It can be inferred from the quote from the Omaha Daily Republican (line 2-4) that railroads

(A) made all sections of the nation much wealthier

(B) brought more unity to what had been a fragmented nation

(C) reduced dependence on natural resources

(D) had no effect on the environment of the United States

3. The word it in line 7 refers to

(A) transport

(B) scale

(C) production

(D) railroad

4. The word drew in line 8 is closest

(A) obliged

(B) designed

(C) helped

(D) attracted

5. The word annihilate in line 9 is closest in meaning to

(A) conquer

(B) utilize

(C) separate

(D) mechanize

6. The word Moreover in line 20 is closest in meaning to

(A) consequently

(B) furthermore

(C) although

(D) because

7. All of the following were true of impressive passenger terminals EXCEPT:

(A) Their architecture was influenced by the architecture of Europe.

(B) Luxury express trains traveled between them.

(C) They were usually located in small towns.

(D) They were important to many commuters.

8. According to the passage , which type of development lined the area along the metropolitan


(A) Stores and shopping areas

(B) Recreational areas

(C) Industrial

(D) Agricultural

9. The word aptly in line 24 is closest in meaning to

(A) appropriately

(B) virtually

(C) consistently

(D) incessantly

10. The author mentions the Twentieth-Century Limited as an example of

(A) a freight train

(B) a commuter train

(C) a luxury train

(D) an underground train

11. The author gives a synonym for which of the following words?

(A) homogeneous (line 3)

(B) standardized (line 9)

(C) temples (line 11)

(D) classification(line 20)



Definition of painting:

Painting is the practice of applying paint, pigment(颜料),color or other medium(媒介物) with a brush(画笔) or other tools to a surface.


看下这个词 Fine art,在托福阅读和听力中都出现过,很多学生第一次接触的时候,会很疑惑,好艺术?其实是“纯艺术”的意思,很好理解,通俗说就是只有审美价值,没有实用价值,如雕塑,画画等。接下来欣赏下各个阶段常见的绘画形式。

Cave painting 洞穴画 ---- 听名字我们就知道,肯定是比较古老的绘画形式,远古时期(prehistoric art)。2013年美国一部热门的动画电影,The Croods《疯狂原始人》中,就描述了很多这样的场景,有兴趣有时间可以看看。

Mural 壁画 ---- fresco 湿壁画,注意fresco和freckle(雀斑)读音和拼写都有点相像,注意区分哦。这两种画的形式最盛行于中世纪(Medieval)和文艺复兴时期(Renaissance),主要跟宗教(religion)和神学(mythology)相联系在一起。

Oil painting 油画 --- 这里的oil, 是利用特殊的油,其实是特制的植物油。有何神奇之处?第一,溶解颜料;第二,使颜料干燥的过程是均匀的。干的过程必须是可控的,才可以画下一层的。关于油画,这些词你是一定要掌握的。Palette,调色板;brush,画笔;canvas,帆布;brushstroke,笔触;sketch,素描。

Watercolor painting 水彩画

Brush painting 中国的国画


欣赏画作Appreciation,评论画作这个行为用Criticism,修复画作Restoration,鉴别画作Identification(真品Authentic,赝品fake),大师作品Masterpiece,赞助patronage (组织,政府,个人都有可能参与赞助这个过程)。


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