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典型失败案例1:Topic 1-Should college students be allowed to get married?This topic is very interesting. I’m very interested in talking about this topic. Because I’m also a college student and I’m not married……

修改方案:关于写作话题还是开门见山,直奔主题吧。In my opinion, it would not be a wise decision to allow college students to get married。

Topic 2-Will modern technology, such as the Internet, ever replace the book or the writing word as the sole source of information? (雅思写作真题)

Ok, this topic is a very good topic. First, let me tell you a story: I have a friend, he likes go on the internet very much. Every day, he uses internet to read news or play internet games. So we can see the internet is more and more important in our daily life.

Topic 3-The importance of environmental protection.Oh, this topic is surely very important. Isn’t it? Of course! It’s really very very important!


典型失败案例:Topic 1-The happiest moment in your life.In our life, there are always some moments which make your heart flower opened angrily……

Topic 2- The population problem.The population problem is a very big problem. For example, in the city centers of Shanghai, we can always see people mountain people sea there.

Topic 3- Is there fairness in today’s business world?I think in today’s society, there is no fairness in the business world. For example, I always chopped when I go out buy things……

Topic 4- The advantage of being a nice person.Being a nice person have many advantage. I believe if a people always do bad things, he will get “baoying”.


典型失败案例: Topic-Should college students be allowed to get married?

I think this topic is very hard to say. Because I am still very little,only 17, and not married, so this topic is very difficult for me……


典型失败案例:Topic-It is said that nowadays one can not acquire thequalifications and quality essential to success through university education. Towhat extent do you agree or disagree with the statement? (雅思写作真题)

I think to success, we must have a lot of important qualities. To havethese important qualities, we must learn a lot of things, for example, English,music tools, and etc. We can learn these qualities from our teachers, our friends and from books. All in all, we can learn from many places.


典型失败案例:Topic-If children behave badly, should their parents accept responsibility and also be punished? (雅思写作真题)

About this problem, my think is if children behave badly, then parents are not right. Because teach child is parent’s responsibility. So we also punish parents too besides children is also should.


典型失败案例:Topic-The importance of environmental protection

This issue is surely very important, let’s talk about it!


典型失败案例:Topic-Should college students be allowed to get married?

I think college students should not be allowed to get married because they are very young and so we can’t take the responsibility to form a family.


典型失败案例:Topic-Your opinion on DINK families

My opinion on DINK families is that DINK families is not a good thing. Andit is a bad thing. It brings no benefits to our society and it is even sometimesharmful to our society.


典型失败案例:Topic 1-Is it good to have a large family?

I think it is good to have a large family. Because we Chinese believe a sentence: “Many sons, many lucks”……

正确说法:Happiness lies in having many children

Topic 2 -Should we pretend to know everything or admit our ignorance?

We all know, our Chinese old fathers and grandfathers said: “Know is know, don’t know is don’t know”……

Topic 3- Do you think one’s character is greatly influenced by his/her family?

Chinese old words says very good: Dragon born dragon, phoenix born phoenix, rat’s son can make hole……

Topic 4- The advantage of being a nice person

I believe one sentence: “A good person is all life safe”. We Chinese people always say: “Good has good pay, bad has bad pay”.

雅思写作失败开头十: 观点片面

典型失败案例:Topic1-The importance of confidence

In my opinion, confidence is the most important thing for a person. All thesuccessful people in the world are full of confidence. While those people whodon’t have confidence, they all have failed.

Topic 2 - The solution to the traffic problem

I think to solve the traffic problem, very easy! For those who don’t obeythe traffic rules, we should put all of them into prison. If we do that, I’msure there will be no traffic problem any more.


真题范文:Some countries achieve international sporting success by building specialized facilities to train top athletes instead of providing sports facilities that everyone can use. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?(一些国家通过建造专门设施来训练顶尖运动员,而不是提供人人都可以使用的体育设施,从而实现国际体育上的成功。你认为这是积极的还是消极的发展?


Many spectators would be too exhilarated to resist their feelings when they see their national flag rise with the national anthem in Olympic Games. These sports feats can hardly be achieved without some specialized facilities to train the most promising sportsmen. Although patriotism can be aroused by excellent performance, I hold the view that more sports facilities should be built to cater for the public.

One latent problem for the intended construction of specialized facilities exclusively for sportsmen is that it may dampen public’s enthusiasm for sports. Being discouraged from using the sports facilities, they are likely to believe that the access to sports is only a priority to a small group of top athletes. Whether these facilities can be utilized is based on how much contribution to the country people can make instead of the basic principle that each individual has the right to shape their bodies with some sports facilities.

It may also lead to a result that the potential talent pool of gifted athletes will be drained and lose its continuous supply. Most top sportsmen are not born to the stars, and their aptitude of sports occurs when they are jogging on the playground, playing tennis in the tennis court and running on the football pitch. Without the sports facilities accessible to the common people, their sports talent is unlikely to be found and then fully harnessed.

There are certainly some benefits of the specialized facilities construction. The top sportsmen can be professionally trained without much disturb of the public, thereby concentrating on their physical practice. They can also make full use of these facilities to boost their body and improve their professionalism. However, the beneficiaries are narrowly constrained with a small proportion of people and the sports resources are somewhat wasted.


In conclusion, the benefit of sports facilities should be enjoyed by more individuals rather than only meet the needs of the sports elites.


雅思写作真题范文:People believe that using mobile phones and computers to communicate. Therefore, people are losing the ability to communicate with each other face to face. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(人们相信使用手机和电脑进行交流。因此,人们失去了面对面交流的能力。你在多大程度上同意或反对

People believe that using mobile phones and computers to communicate. Therefore, people are losing the ability to communicate with each other face to face. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Now you are benefiting from the use of mobile phone and the Internet as social interaction media, could you imagine what your daily lives would be without these inventions? Some people claim that individuals are gradually losing face-to-face communication skills. Nevertheless, from personal perspective, online communication cannot make people lose the ability of offline communication.

Apparently, excessive use of the Internet and mobile phones has been undermining our interpersonal relationship offline. Even during a face-to-face conversation, it is no rare thing that everyone is busy looking at his cellphones, neglecting his friends or families across the dinner table. In addition, it has become incredibly easy to contact each other electronically and share information instantly in social community. Gone are the days when people could only communicate via fixed telephone or writing letters which took several days to reach others. So no one is not crazy about smart phones and computers which boast cutting-edge functions like sharing photos and videos with more friends simultaneously.

In spite of the popularity of technological progress mentioned above, never should we turn a blind eye to the irreplaceablity of face-to-face communication. It is common that many schools impart knowledge to students by teaching in classrooms instead of distance education. The same is true of the cooperation among companies, which needs face to face conversation to acquire trust with each other in advance. Furthermore, although online contact may possess increasing numbers of friends, the permanence of mutual relationships cannot lack face-to-face interactions, which can be confirmed by the example of the closest friends and even loving couples. Besides, solving tricky issues are generally more effective and more convenient by surrounding colleagues or friends than by those who live and work in remote places and need online communication.



