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雅思口语考试有四大评分标准:发音(pronunciation),词汇(lexical resources),语法(grammatical range and accuracy)和流利度(fluency and coherence),相信大家都已经不陌生了。四个标准看似简单,但每个里面都暗藏玄机。例如我们今天要进行探讨的“发音”,它对我们的分数影响不仅取决于考试时我们对词语的发音和重音,同样包括我们答案中。

句子的重音(sentence stress),断句(chunking),语调(intonation)等细化项目。理论上来讲,后面这三点不会直接影响到我们语言中词汇或语法的准确性考量,但在口语上,它们不仅参与了直接评分,同样是考官间接判断我们是否在进行背诵的重要依据。


答案当然是否定的,因为“背”考的是我们的记忆力,但雅思考的是我们的语言能力,既然答不对考,何来高分之说呢。如果你背的流利,考官兴许会给你个 4 分或 4.5 分以示安慰与对你背诵英语的认可,但死背题目的时代早已过去,这也就回答了我们很多考生在“遇到原题却依旧低分”的问题。


重音体现的是我们句子中所要说的重点内容,一般要进行语气的加强,或是语速上的减慢,以表示一句话中部分内容的强调,例如在 Part 1 提到关于喜好类和最爱类的问题 时, 考 官 问 道“What is your favorite fruit?”, 而 我 们 想 要 说 明 这 个 水 果 是 苹果,那在这句答案“My favorite fruit is apple.”的时候,自然 apple 就是我们的句子重音,因为我们想要强调,针对于这个问题,答案核心是 apple。

在考试答题时,一成不变的语调就会让你在回答问题时过于死板平淡。同样,在说到喜好类的答案时,既然我们要谈及到这些自己喜欢的东西,是否也应该加上一些愉快的情绪?反之,说到 something you dislike 的时候,我们是否应该耸耸肩,皱一下眉头呢?这样,才能避免考试所说的单一语调(monotone)问题,或是避免考官抓到背诵的破绽。

在我们追求高分答案的时候,势必要进行有逻辑且有长度的答案输出,以满足考试speak at length 的要求。较长的答案输出时,我们要学会依据答题逻辑而进行适当的断句,这将会使我们的答案更加具有层次感,而不是像“速读”一样,一口气说完自己脑中或准备好的内容。这种语速上没有变化的答案回答会让考官产生“过于流利及背诵”的疑虑,导致我们失分。我们在进行一些从句和复合句的回答时,一段话里是包含不止一个内容成分的,在成分间隔的时候,适当的断句,不仅可以留给自己思维反应的时间,也可以更好地给答案分出逻辑层次。

口语高分的诞生不仅需要我们语法和词汇的积累和准确的使用,也需要在考试时的适当的表演。雅思口语考试的独特之处就在于真人考官面试,不管是一来一回的 Part 1 和 Part 3 对话,还是个人表现的 Part 2,都需要我们考生生动的答案展现才能综合提高我们的考试分数。更加真实立体地“表演”出每一段口语答案何曾不是一种高能高分的体现?


Describe a time when you were surprised to meet a friend.

You should say:

When it was

Who you met

Where it was

And explain why you were surprised to meet him/her

The time I was really surprised to meet a friend, quite by accident, was when I was in Venice on holiday. I was crossing St. Mark’s Square with my mother and father and suddenly I saw an old university friend, standing there in the square about ten meters away taking photos. At first I thought it was just someone that looked like him, but as I tentatively approached I realized it really was him! It was incredible really… I went over and said hello, and he was as shocked as I was! He was on holiday, on his own in fact, staying in a small hotel in Venice. You see, he was studying in Milan at university, studying fashion design… and he had come to Venice for a few days for a short trip and to take photos – he’s a huge photography fan. We all went out that night for a meal in a restaurant together and he told us about his experiences in Italy and how much he loved the country and how he was doing on his design course. Then after my parents went to bed we went out for a few drinks in some of the more local bars and got to know a few of the local people – which was pretty interesting. It was such a great and unpextected encounter, I’ll never forget it!

Part 3

1. Are there any meetings that people need to prepare in advance?

Yes, sure. Lots – usually work meetings for new projects – or maybe even meetings about buying a house or getting a loan. Things like this. You usually need to prepare in advance for most kinds of meetings to be honest – so that you can get the most out of the meeting by being informed beforehand of what is going to happen, and the possible outcomes. A good meeting can be highly constructive and productive – but a meeting where a bunch of people don’t know what’s going on or don’t bother prepare anything, can be a waste of time.

2. Are there any jobs that often deal with unexpected things?

Yes, I think so. Perhaps if you are in the police force or the military you might have to deal with all sorts of things that happen, with no real warning – like emergency situations, if there is an accident, or a robbery, or any sort of crime situation. I’d say these professions usually have to deal with unexpected things fairly frequently.

3. What makes a good friend?

A good friend is someone who is loyal, understanding, shares the same or similar interests as you do, and will always be there to listen to you when you need help, or support emotionally or practically. These, in my opinion, are the key qualities of a good friend.


Describe an occasion when you lost your way.

You should say:

Where you were

What happened

How you felt about it

And explain how you found your way

I’ve lost my way many times actually – I have a terrible sense of direction! But the one time that I remember when I got really stressed and worried was when I was with a friend in London. We had gone on a holiday together and we didn’t go out with our mobile phones so we couldn’t use GPS maps to help us. We went to see the Tower of London, which was a long walk from where we were staying, and on the way back we got completely lost, and then it started to rain. We managed to get a paper map from a friendly hotel receptionist, but the map was confusing and we got even more lost, especially as the map started to get soaking wet with all the rain. The English weather is really unpredictable. Eventually we gave up and hailed a taxi – taxis are really expensive in London as well, but anyway, eventually we got back to our hostel, showered and dried off. The thing I got nervous about was that London is quite big and we ended up getting lost in some areas that seemed a bit run-down and perhaps not very safe. You have to be very careful in big cities that you don’t know, because you don’t know which areas are safe or not to go wandering around in, especially when the sun sets and it gets dark. I felt a bit scared at times. Also when you get lost in a foreign country you feel more nervous because you don’t feel in control, you’re not on familiar territory, so getting lost can be a very unnerving experience. I was so relieved when we eventually got back to the hostel though. Next time I’m in a foreign country I will certainly make sure I have the international service on my phone open, and take my phone so I can use GPS maps!!

Part 3

1. Why do some people get lost more easily than others?

Some people, like my brother, as one example, have a great sense of direction – it’s as if they are born with it! Other people just can’t find their way around even familiar places without easily getting lost. I don’t really know why. I think it might be related to their notions of spatial awareness or how they find landmarks and compass directions in big cities or not. Others have a better awareness of how maps work, and can use online tools on their phones really well. Older people may have trouble with this modern technology.

2. Do you think it is important to do some preparation before you travel to new places?

Yes, I think before going to a new place it’s important to find out about the language, the culture and the general layout of a new city. Just so you have a basic idea of what lies ahead of you, what to expect and also what areas of the city are safe, as well as what behavior is appropriate or inappropriate in another country.

3. How can people find their way when they are lost?

The best way to find your way when lost if either use a mobile phone app or ask locals along the way to help you. In most places locals are pretty helpful if they see a stranger or a visitor who is lost, so I think it’s always a good idea to ask people for directions. Some people get nervous about asking others for directions. I’m not sure why. But it’s always a good idea to try to prepare in advance so that you know where you’re going and know how


★ 2020年雅思口语题库汇总新题

★ 《老友记》口语笔记第1季:10集

★ 学习资料库

★ 雅思口语Part2攻略

★ 雅思口语备考绝招

★ 雅思口语的DosandDON’Ts详解

★ 雅思口语高分技巧之题目迁移

★ 雅思口语3分~8分距离有多远

★ 雅思口语能力判断依据

★ 雅思口语7分经验分享


