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Remember that part 1 answers need to be short, direct and simple.


1. Who does most of the shopping in your household?


雅思口语考官范文:There isn't one person who does most of the shopping. I'd say it's a shared responsibility because we tend to go shopping together as a family.

2.What kind of shopping do you like doing?


雅思口语考官范文:I quite like shopping for presents for people's birthdays or for Christmas. My favourite type of shop would have to be a bookshop.

3. Is shopping a popular activity in your country?

雅思口语考官范文:Yes, it's very popular. Saturday is the busiest shopping day, and lots of people treat shopping as a kind of leisure activity, rather than something practical.


4. What types of shops do teenagers like best in your country?


雅思口语考官范文:I'm not an expert on teenage behaviour, but I guess they like buying clothes, music, gadgets... that kind of thing.


Remember that part 1 answers need to be short, direct and simple.


1.At work or in your studies, do you often write things?


雅思口语考官范文:Yes, I write a lot of emails as part of my job. I work for a company that has offices in several countries, so we use email to communicate.

2.How often do you send e-mails?


雅思口语考官范文:I probably write between 5 and 10 work emails every day, and I send emails to friends or family a few times a week.

3.Do you prefer to write by hand or on a computer?


雅思口语考官范文:It depends what I’m doing. I prefer the computer for most things because it’s faster and you can save or copy things, but I still like making notes or writing ideas down by hand.

4.Do you think computers might one day replace handwriting?


雅思口语考官范文:No, I think we will always write by hand as well. I think it’s an important skill, and schools will continue to teach children to write by hand before they learn to type.


Remember that part 1 answers need to be short, direct and simple.


1. Are clothes and clothing fashions important to you? (Why/Why not?)


雅思口语考官范文:No, clothes and fashions are not really important to me. I tend to wear clothes that are comfortable and practical rather than fashionable.

2. What different clothes do you wear for different situations?


雅思口语考官范文:Well, I have to dress quite formally for work, so I wear a shirt and trousers. At home I prefer to wear jeans and a T-shirt, and on special occasions I might wear a suit.

3. Do you wear different styles of clothes now compared to 10 years ago?


雅思口语考官范文:No, not really, because I don't follow fashion. I think I have dressed in a similar way for the last 10 years.

4. Do you think the clothes we wear say something about who we are?


雅思口语考官范文:Yes, they probably do. Some people are really careful about what they wear because they want to be seen as stylish. Other people wear clothes that show wealth or status, such as clothes by famous designers.


考官如是说:Remember that part 1 answers need to be short, direct and simple.


1. Do you live in a house or an apartment?


雅思口语考官范文:I live in a semi-detached house with three bedrooms in a suburb of Manchester. I've lived there for just over a year.

2. Which is your favourite room in your home? Why?


雅思口语考官范文:I don't really have a favourite room. But if I had to choose, I'd say the living room because that's where I go to sit and relax.

3. Would you change anything about your home? Why / why not?


雅思口语考官范文:Yes, I've been meaning to redecorate it since I moved in last year. It needs a new kitchen, so that's what I'd change first.

4. Would you like to move to a different home in the future?


雅思口语考官范文:Yes, I'd definitely move again at some point if I could afford to. I'd like to live in the countryside, or maybe in a different city or country.


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