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Constitutional Crises Bring Attention to European Monarchs


For most of the last 100 years, Europe’s royalty have mainly been known for big weddings and newspaper gossip. Now, that might be changing.


Spain’s King Felipe VI used his power to denounce Catalonian separatism. He called the leaders of the 2017 popular vote for independence from Spain criminals. He also said it was his constitutional duty to save national unity.


Recently, the British media has wondered if Queen Elizabeth II will be called upon to end a possible constitutional crisis. It could involve Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s plans to withdraw Britain from the European Union on October 31. Johnson said he will move forward with “Brexit” even if there is no official agreement with the EU.


Monarchs Face Political Crises, And Risks


The two royal heads of state would appear to have little in common.


Elizabeth II has been Queen for 67 years. Felipe became King just five years ago after the abdication of his father, King Juan Carlos, who was restored to the throne by dictator Francisco Franco in 1969.


They are relatives through Queen Victoria, who ruled the British Empire in the 1800s.


Political science professor William Ogilvie de la Vega of Franciso Marroquin University in Madrid said that both rulers are being asked to make political decisions. He said the reason is because elected politicians seem to be unable to do their jobs.

马德里Franciso Marroquin大学的政治学教授威廉·奥格尔维·德拉维加表示,这两位统治者都被要求做出政治决定。他说原因是当选的政治家似乎无法胜任其职。

The two monarchs remain as constitutional heads of state. They hold what former Spanish ambassador to Britain Federico Trillo-Figueroa describes as “sleeping powers.”


Queen Elizabeth II has the power to start and end parliament and to sign legislation into law. She exercises those powers only at the request of the prime minister.


These powers “are normally exercised in an invisible way” Trillo-Figueroa told VOA.


But stepping into politics can cause problems.


Queen Elizabeth II has the power to refuse Johnson’s request to suspend parliament’s session if ministers try to stop Britain’s EU withdrawal without an agreement. However, she would risk angering the most traditional parts of British society – and many of them voted to leave the EU in a 2015 popular vote. Officials at Buckingham Palace, the home of British monarchs, has said that the “will of parliament should be respected.”


A top supporter of Brexit, Nigel Farage, then released an attack on the royal family.


King Felipe similarly earned the anger of Catalan nationalists by openly supporting the federal government’s direct rule over Catalonia. Barcelona Mayor Ada Colau opposes Catalan independence, but she stays away from the king when he comes to Spain’s second largest city. Felipe is usually met with protests in the Catalan capital.


The newspaper El Mundo reported that former Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy advised against a royal televised speech during the crisis in Catalonia. In the speech, Felipe accused Catalan officials of acting with unacceptable “disloyalty,” before the government officially charged them with sedition and rebellion.


But Raquel Casviner Cañellas of the Catalan Civic Union said the king needed to speak to Spanish unionists who felt that the central government had been too weak.


Felipe’s father, Juan Carlos, helped the country move to democracy after the death of Franco. He later helped stop an attempt by the military in 1981 to seize power.


The younger generations of royals also seem to be more interested in politics. Prince Harry’s wife Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex, has been criticized for her political opinions in a coming article she edited for British Vogue, titled “Fifteen forces for change.”




Real Risks to Peace and Stability in the South China Sea Come from Power Outside the Region


Ambassador Zhang Ming, Head of Chinese Mission to the EU Published a Signed Article on Euobserver


22 August 2019









Real Risks to Peace and Stability in the South China Sea Come from Power Outside the Region


Ambassador Zhang Ming, Head of Chinese Mission to the EU Published a Signed Article on Euobserver


22 August 2019

Recently, despite the continued improvement in the situation in the South China Sea, a major power outside the region has kept making unwarranted accusations against China over the so-called “tensions” in the South China Sea. Senior EU officials have expressed similar concerns. To help European readers get a full picture of the South China Sea issue, I wish to share with you the other side of the story.

As its name suggests, the “South China Sea” is to the south of the Chinese mainland. China was the first country to discover, name and develop the South China Sea islands. As early as in the 8th century, shortly after Europe entered the Middle Ages, China started administering the South China Sea. China has maintained close exchanges with the littoral states of the South China Sea and has enjoyed friendship with peoples of these countries from generation to generation. Before the 20th century, China’s sovereignty over the South China Sea islands had never been challenged.

After the end of World War II, China used naval ships provided by the United States and recovered the South China Sea islands illegally occupied by Japan. On the islands, the takeover ceremonies were held and troops started to be stationed. As part of the post-war international order, China’s sovereignty over the South China Sea islands has been widely recognized by the international community.

However, with the discovery of oil and gas resources in the South China Sea, some littoral states have sought to seize islands and reefs in the Nansha Islands, and made claims to maritime entitlements, leading to disputes in the South China Sea. That being said, China has been committed to settling the disputes through negotiation with the countries directly concerned, and focusing on practical maritime cooperation. Such efforts have contributed to the overall peace and stability in the South China Sea as well as development and prosperity of countries in this region.

We would deserve a more peaceful world, were it not for the instigation and trouble-making of some forces for their own agenda. The South China Sea is unfortunately no exception. A major power outside the region has deliberately hyped up the so-called “tensions” in the South China Sea and accused China of “militarizing” the region. The fact is that China has every legitimate right to deploy necessary defence facilities on its own territory. That major power, with the world’s most powerful military forces and hundreds of military bases across the world, has kept staging military exercises in the South China Sea and sent large warships there for the so-called “freedom of navigation” operations, trying to turn the South China Sea into an arena for major-power wrestling. This is THE source of tensions in the South China Sea.

That major power enjoys raising the South China Sea issue. Yet on some multilateral occasions, its representatives would take the exit immediately after finishing what they had to say, giving little heed to the call of the littoral countries for peace and stability in the South China Sea. It is fair to say that when it comes to the South China Sea issue, that major power cares about things totally different from those of China and ASEAN countries. Its real agenda is to muddy the waters and seek excuses to justify its military presence in the region, in order to uphold its hegemony in the Asia-Pacific and maritime supremacy the world over.

That major power always questions the “freedom of navigation” in the South China Sea, but there is nothing to question at all. More than 60% of China’s foreign trade and energy supplies pass through the South China Sea, so China has a greater stake in the freedom of navigation than any other country. The reality is that more than 100,000 merchant ships pass through these waters every year and not a single vessel has ever run into any problem with the freedom of navigation. When a major power outside the region talk about the freedom of navigation, does it mean to have a license to do whatever it wants in other countries’ territorial waters? This might be the real question.

Littoral states share the commitment to maintaining peace and stability and promoting cooperation in the South China Sea. China would not allow its territorial sovereignty and regional security to be undermined, nor would it allow any major power outside the region to muddy the waters. It is our hope that countries outside the region could respect the wishes and choices of countries in the region and play a more constructive role. Any attempt to impose one’s own selfish agenda or blindly follow suit from the outside would only pose real risks to peace and stability in the South China Sea.


Climate Change: A Race We Must Win

We face a new era of climate crisis. July 2019 is the hottest month on record, and we are on track for 2015 to 2019 to be the five hottest years in human history. The level of CO2 in the atmosphere is at its highest point in human history; climate-related devastations strike more often than ever, with droughts, hurricanes, heatwaves and landslides regularly attacking our planet, bringing high tolls and casualties, causing huge economic loss to countries and to individuals, particularly affecting the most vulnerable in societies. The latest report of UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific shows that natural disasters in the region are currently responsible for economic losses of up to US$675 billion annually and affecting close to 150 million people.

The clock is ticking. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, we need to collectively ensure that global temperature rise does not go beyond 1.5 degrees. This means we must reduce emissions by 45 percent by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. Such goals might seem too ambitious, but climate change is not a standalone issue that can be ignored given the profound implications it has for all countries and all peoples, including the young generation who will be living with the ever-increasing consequences of global warmings.

Faced with this reality, it is impossible to ignore that human development can only flourish if the natural world flourishes. This is the premise of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals that have become more urgent looking forward to the next decade. How can we as the global community work together as one?

To boost ambition, reinforce strong political will and encourage concrete actions to implement the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, the UN Secretary-General António Guterres will host the 2019 Climate Action Summit on 23 September during the UN General Assembly. The Summit will bring together governments, the private sector, civil society, local authorities and other international organizations to develop ambitious solutions in six areas: a global transition to renewable energy; sustainable and resilient infrastructures and cities; sustainable agriculture and management of forests and oceans; resilience and adaptation to climate impacts; and alignment of public and private finance with a ‘net zero’ economy. The message is clear: we need concrete, realistic plans to enhance countries’ nationally determined contributions by 2020, in line with reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 45 per cent over the next decade, and to achieve ‘net zero’ emissions by 2050.

As the second largest economy in the world, China has played a critical part in committing to the Paris Agreement and its leadership and commitment is crucial in achieving the goals. The country has made remarkable progress in developing its green economy, with more than US$125 billion dollars’ investment in renewable energy in 2017. New renewable energy jobs in China now outnumber those created in the oil and gas industries. Under the 13th Five-Year Plan, China has already exceeded full three per cent of its target, to reduce energy intensity by 15 percent. The country is also the global leader in the adoption of electric buses, with an estimation of 18% of China’s total bus fleet being electrified according to research from Bloomberg New Energy Finance. This demonstrates a significant increase in the importance of non-fossil fuel from previous five-year plan targets. The benefits China has reaped from fostering its renewable energy sector and the green economy also offer a prime counter-example to the mistaken belief that economic vitality and growth is incompatible with efforts to combat climate change.

As the global challenge that does not respect national borders, climate change is an issue that requires solutions to be coordinated at the international level, with demand for all developed countries taking up greater responsibilities, and for developing countries moving toward low-carbon economy. In the meantime, as the world’s most populous country and one of the largest carbon emitters, China can play an even more vital role in tackling global climate change by maximizing its enormous potential for emission reduction and accelerating the current positive.

The UN is committed to working with the government of China, the private sector, NGOs, youth and other key stakeholders to support climate change reduction efforts in China, to raise awareness and build the next generation of climate leaders, as well as China’s growing support to other developing countries. Under initiatives such as the Belt and Road Initiative, UN and China can work closely together to make the best use of the investment in infrastructure to promote the transition from fossil fuel-intensive economy to green and low-carbon economy in developing countries and ensure the initiatives are in line with sustainable development goals. South-South Cooperation can also facilitate the exchanges of climate solutions – bringing China’s successful practices to developing world and customize the methodology to best serve the local context and needs. Considering the scale of China’s commitments, the potential impact these global engagements will have is unparalleled. Therefore, the UN is ready to continue its partnership with China to ensure that an agenda of environmental sustainability, of climate change mitigation and resilience is placed first and foremost at the head of China’s global development initiatives and investments.

Climate change is running faster than we are and we need to have a much more ambitious approach in what we do in order to defeat climate change – as this is a race that we can and must win.



时间一分一秒地过去。政府间气候变化专门委员会(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)的报告表明,我们需要共同确保全球气温上升不超过1.5摄氏度。这意味着我们必须在2030年前减少45%的排放量,并在2050年前实现碳中和。这些目标似乎过于雄心勃勃,但考虑到气候变化对所有国家和人民所产生的深远影响,全球变暖日益严重所产生的后果年轻一代将首当其冲,我们绝不能将气候变化孤立开来,不能小觑其可能产生的后果和影响。








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