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1.make a mountain out of molehill 小题大做

Mountain一词指的是比较高大的山(a very high hill),如山脉、高山。也可表示大量的意思(a large amount of something)。在短语搭配中常以译为“大量的某物”。Hill指比mountain小的小山丘,丘陵。此处Molehill指鼹鼠刨土堆出的小山丘,引申义为小困难。

You are not hurt badly. Stop trying to make a mountain out of a molehill with crying.


move mountains to do something 费很大力气做某事

They moved mountains to finish the project.


2.sell someone down the river 出卖某人(在紧要关头)

River指河流,如the River Thames泰晤士河。River mouth指河流的入海口。

They will take advantage of you and sell you down the river.


3.at sea 茫然(不知所措;迷惑;完全复原;不再疼痛)


They spent about two months at sea.


He was all at sea when he began to learn programming.


美国习语:33 孤注一掷,自食苦果

If you want to play the stockmarket, it's smarter to divide your money and buy three or four different stocks instead of putting the whole amount into just one stock.It's risky to put all your eggs in one basket. Going steady in high school with only one member of opposite sex is a mistake. Go out with several people -- don't put all your eggs in one basket. That man running for mayor went around bragging that he'd win the election by a big 50,000 majority. But he had to eat crow when the woman running against him won by more than 60,000 votes. Our neighbor had to eat crow yesterday. He's been telling us what a good tennis player he is. Well, he took my 12-year-old son out to play and the kid beat him three straight sets.

to put all his eggs in one basket to eat crow 鸡蛋也是一些美国俗语的组成部份。要是一个人把他所有的钱都当做赌注,想冒险发财,这在中文里是"孤注一掷",在英文里就是: to put all his eggs in one basket。 Eggs就是鸡蛋,one basket 就是一只篮子。 To put all his eggs in one basket 的意思就是把所有的鸡蛋放在一只篮子里,这样是很冒险的。我们来举个例子: "If you want to play the stockmarket, it's smarter to divide your money and buy three or four different stocks instead of putting the whole amount into just one stock.It's risky to put all your eggs in one basket." 这个人说:"要是你想玩股票,你最好是把你的钱分开来买三、四种不同的股票,这是比较聪敏的作法。你千万不要把所有的钱都买一种股票。" To put all your eggs in one basket 不仅可以用在经济方面,它还可以用在其他方面。下面这句句子就是一个例子: "Going steady in high school with only one member of opposite sex is a mistake. Go out with several people -- don't put all your eggs in one basket." 这是说:"在中学里只交一个男朋友,或一个女朋友,那是错误的。应该多交朋友,而不要把自己局限在一个人身上。" 乌鸦是人们都讨厌的鸟,它又大又黑,叫的声音既粗又难听。乌鸦的肉也老得没法吃。可是,有一个美国俗语偏偏就是"吃乌鸦": to eat crow。 Eat 就是吃,crow 就是乌鸦。乌鸦肉根本是没法吃的,因此要一个人吃乌鸦,那肯定是非常难受的。这也正是 to eat crow 这个俗语的意思。 To eat crow 的确切意思是一个人把自己弄得很丢脸,因为他犯了一个很难堪的错误,而又不得不承认。也许举个例子能够更好地说明 to eat crow 的意思: "That man running for mayor went around bragging he'd win the election by a big 50,000 majority. But he had to eat crow when the woman running against him won by more than 60,000 votes." 这句话的意思是:"那个竞选市长的人到处吹嘘说他肯定能得到大多数选民的拥护,以五万张选票当选市长。可是,现在他很丢脸,因为那位和他一起竞选的女候选人最后获得六万多张选票而当选市长。" 可是,爱夸口的人似乎到处都是。下面的一个例子更是可笑: "Our neighbor had to eat crow yesterday. He's been telling us what a good tennis player he is. Well, he took my 12-year-old son out to play and the kid beat him three straight sets." 这个人说:"我们的邻居真是丢了脸。他老是在我们面前吹嘘,说他网球打得多么多么好。他昨天带着我那十二岁的儿子去打网球,结果我儿子以三比零把他打败了。" 现在让我们来复习一下今天讲的两个俗语。我们讲的第一个俗语是:to put all his eggs in one basket。 To put all his eggs in one basket 是指一个人把他所有的一切都当作赌注来冒险,也就是中文里"孤注一掷"的意思。今天我们讲的第二个俗语是:to eat crow。 To eat crow 是指因为自己的错误而丢脸。 [美国习惯用语」第三十四讲就到里。

美国习语: 倾诉苦水,晴天霹雳

Every time I ask Joe to pay back the money he borrowed from me, he sings the blues about all the things at home he needs money for. Don't pay any attention to that guy. He's always singing the blues about how poor he is, but the truth is he has more bucks in the bank than the two of us put together. A driver may testify that he was going the normal speed limit when a truck appeared in front of him out of the blue and he did not have time to stop. The announcement that the president of our university was quitting to go to another school hit us like a bolt out of the blue. He's always said he liked it here so much that he would stay until he retired.

Singing the blues Like a bolt out of the blue 美国的成语和俗语五彩缤纷。其中有一些是和红颜色有关,如:red letter day 和 red tape。有的和绿颜色有关。如:green thumb 和 green light。不管是红或是绿,它们都含有特殊的意思。 今天我们要讲两个和蓝颜色,也就是英语里的 blue 这个字有关的成语。在日常生活中,blue是一个非常口语的词汇,美国人经常使用。它的意思就是情绪很低。正因为如此,blues 这个字就成了爵士音乐里面的一种。称谓 blues 的这种爵士音乐,它的特点是节奏慢,曲调很低沉。 在日常会话中,要是你对一个朋友说: "I really have the blues today." 这就是说,你今天因为某种原因情绪很不好。 现在,我们先来讲一个和 blue 有关的俗语:singing the blues。Singing 的原动词是sing,就是唱歌、唱戏的唱。Singing the blues 的意思就是诉苦、抱怨。请听下面这个例子: "Every time I ask Joe to pay back the money he borrowed from me, he sings the blues about all the things at home he needs money for." 这人说:"每当我要乔还他借我的钱的时候,他总是诉苦,说他家里有多少开支。" 换句话说,就是乔用诉说家里的种.种困难来做借口,设法不还他欠的钱。我们再来举个例子: "Don't pay any attention to that guy! He's always singing the blues about how poor he is, but the truth is he has more bucks in the bank than the two of us put together." 这个人说:"别听那家伙的话。他老是诉苦,说他多么穷。可是,事实上,他银行里的钱比我们两人的加在一起还多。" 下面我们要介绍的另一个俗语是 like a bolt out of the blue。Bolt 是闪电,blue 在这儿是指蓝色的天空。 Like a bolt out of the blue 的意思就是晴天霹雳,也就是出乎意外、没料想到。有时,你花几个小时也解不开一道数学题。可是,当你不再去想它的时候,你脑子里突然出现了答案。人们还经常用 like a bolt out of the blue 来形容车祸。请听下面这句句子: "A driver may testify that he was going the normal speed limit when a truck appeared in front of him out of the blue and he did not have time to stop." 这句话的意思是:"一个开车的人可能会在作证时说,正当他以正常的速度行驶的时候,一辆卡车突然出现在他面前,他来不及刹车。" 我们再听听下面这个学生讲的话: "The announcement that the president of our university was quitting to go to another school hit us like a bolt out of the blue. He's always said he liked it here so much that he would stay until he retired." 他说:"我们大学校长宣布他决定辞职到另外一个学校去工作。我们都感到很突然,因为他老是说他很喜欢这个学校,要一直在这儿工作到退休。" 今天我们讲了两个俗语。一个是 singing the blues;另一个是 like a bolt out of the blue。



