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【Multiple choice questions】


1 What differentiates the indiscriminate collector from the serious one?

a. What he collects is only of personal rather than communal interest.

b. He lacks the physical and mental energy to go out and about.

c. His possessions are varied but over the years they gain in value.

d. He confines his collection to the home and therefore does not travel.

differentiate: 与......不同,区别是什么

communal: 共同的,普遍的

2. The author’s friend is typical of the indiscriminate collector in that____.

a. she keeps newspapers in the hope that one day they may come in useful

b. she collects sketches of clothes to save herself the cost of buying them

c. she is too narrow-minded to be able to stop a sentimental practice

d. she never gets round to sorting out the clutter she has acumulated

in that == because

get round to do: 抽时间来做某事

3 The serious collector can spend his leisure time____.

a. at home,as his collection is sufficient entertainment in itself

b. at the same time as looking joyfully at his treasures

c. educating himself and others by verifying facts in reference books

d. occupying himself by constructing a house for his collection

sufficient == ample == enough == adequate


4____belongings people accumulate. There are tworeasons for this...(ll.7-9)

a. As they got older more b. In getting older thereare more

c. Only when they get older, do more d. The olderthey get the more

5____in the home in an attempt to avoid waste.(l.ll)

a. People deliberately collect b. Peopledeliberately collect some things

c. People collect deliberately d. People collectdeliberately some things


6 ----but it litters up her desk____that every time she opens it...(ll.16-17)

a. so far b. as long as c. in as much d. so much

7 Something to do, from finding the right place ____ the latest addition to...(ll.21-22)

a. where he puts b. in order to put c. for to put d. to put

为何不能选a. 没有说明谁放置


Eg: I want to get a pen to write with.

8 ----and then,if____successful,to larger audiences.(ll.28-29)

a. they will be b. one is c. it has been d. they were



9 Some things are collected____in the home so as to avoid waste.(l.ll)

a. systematically b. intentionally c. purposefully d. organizationally

L59-09 end 13’42”

L59-10 begin 13’36”

deliberately: 深思熟虑地,精心考虑地

systematically: 有体系地

intentionally: 有意图地,经过考虑地,故意地

intend to do / intention / have intention to do / intentionally

purposely == on purpose : 有目的地

organizationally: 有组织地

10 Collecting as a serious hobby is____and has many advantages.(l.l8)

a. altogether separate b. rather unlike c. fairly diverse d. very distinguished

unlike: 强调事物的外在不同

diverse: 截然相反的

distinguished: (人) 杰出的,出色的,的

separate adj. 分开的

11 ----the right place for the latest addition to____facts in reference books.(ll.22-23)

a. insuring b. certifying c. identifying d. checking


certify / prove / check (核对)

certify: 证明,保证

identify: 确立,确立身份

12 ----but also in general matters which____. (ll.23-24)

a. stand up to it b. relate to it c. bear it out d. carry it off

have some bearing on it == have connection with it == be related to it : 与之相关的

stand up to it 经得起考验

bear out: 证明,证实

carry off: 成功完成(应付)

【Key to Multiple choice questions】

1. A 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. B 6. C 7. C 8. B 9. B 10. A 11. D 12. B


【Multiple choice questions】


1 The only people who can afford to neglect the exercise of punctuality are _____ .

a. ordinary citizens who have nothing to do with publicity

b. people who live in remote places where there are few people

c. intellectuals who have to deal with unexpected problems

d. people who are forced to work overtime in order to finish a job.

neglect == disregard == ignore

sparsely populated, few people

Only in a sparsely-populated rural community is it possible to disregard punctuality.

2 People who cut things fine are usually _____ .

a. delayed by accidents on the roads

b. energetic, quick-minded people

c. no more irritating than the over-punctual

d. reproached for being late for appointments

cut things fine / cutted fine / cut time fine

3 The girl was very upset when the train came into the station because _____ .

a. her parents would not forgive her for missing it

b. she had two hours to wait before the next train arrived

c. she was going to have to make a second journey to reach her destination

d. the station master insisted that passengers were not allowed on to it


4 Without it, it would be impossible _____ to a conclusion. (l.2)

a. to have ever brought anything b. ever to bring anything

c. to bring nothing ever d. nothing to be brought ever

it is / will be /would be possible for sb. to do sth.

5 The time you _____ waste through being early will be less than ... (l.17)

a. must b. might c. should d. can

through: 通过

Eg: Although being early may mean wasting a little time

6 If you are catching a train, you _____ comfortably early than ... (ll.16-17)

a. are better being b. would be better c. had better be d. will be better to be

had better, 上级对下级或有经验的人对没有经验的人

7 ---- the frustration of arriving _____ the train is drawing out ... (ll.18-19)

a. just as b. immediately that c. in a while d. as soon as

8 And she had to watch that train disappear towards her destination _____ . (l.33)

a. and left her behind b. and leave behind her c. leaving her behind d. while it left behind her


9 In ordinary living, unpunctuality can be tolerated ____ ... (ll.4-5)

a. out of kindness b. on occasion c. to a certain extent d. in varying degrees

in varying degrees: 在不同的程度上(不断变化)

10 The over-punctual can be just as _____ to others as the unpunctual. (l.12)

a. detestable b. trying c. provident d. inconsiderate

trial: 讨厌的事

trying adj. 气人的

detestable: 可恨的,可憎的

provident: 有先见之明的,有深谋远虑的

considerate == thoughtful: 体贴的, inconsiderate: 没有慎重考虑的,不周到的

11 ---- since her parents had _____ that it would be unforgivable ... (ll.22-23)

a. stressed the point b. given the impression c. marked it down d. given notice

impress upon: 再三嘱托

stress the point

give the impression: 给某人以印象

12 _____ the train came into the station. (l.31)

a. Only then b. Instantly c. At that very moment d. Precisely

【Key to Multiple choice questions】

1. B 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. C 9. C 10. B 11. A 12. C


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