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What point do the speakers make about the background of The Dreamer?

A. It is a good example of Beaux's unusual style of brushstroke.

B. It resembles the backgrounds of other Beaux portraits.

C. Its lack of clarity emphasizes the theme of the painting.

D. It is meant to suggest that the woman is in a dark room.

这道题的正确答案为 C,正确翻译是:“缺少清晰度的背景强调了这幅画的主题”。但很多同学把这句话中的 lack 看成了谓语动词,翻译成:“背景没有清晰地强调这幅画的主题”。这和正确的翻译截然相反,导致选错。





What is the lecture mainly about?

A. The environmental effects of heap roasting

B. The reforestation efforts in the Copper Basin

C. The process of mining and producing copper

D. Damages caused during an attempt to clean up industrial waste

有部分同学把 AB 选项中的 effect 和 effort 看混,或者把 B 选项中的 reforestation 看成 deforestation,导致理解的意思截然不同,所以选错。





What are the speakers mainly discussing?

A. An architect from the United States and a house design she created

B. The disadvantage of houses based on a square design

C. Difficulties faced by residential architects in the nineteenth century

D. Women who had a major influence on architecture in the United States

这道题的正确答案为 A,很多同学选 D,D 选项的主语是 women,而这篇讲座只讲了一个女建筑师的事情,所以排除 D。





What characteristic of no to the nioids helps them survive in subfreezing temperatures?

A. They maintain an unusually high body temperature.

B. A special tissue in their eyes enables them to see through ice.

C. Special proteins make their blood circulate too fast to freeze.

D. Ice crystals in their bodies are prevented from growing large enough to harm them.

这道题原文中的表述是 no to the nioids,这种南极鱼由于体内有某种蛋白质导致它们能在零度以下的水温里生存。很多同学看到 C 选项中的 proteins 直接选了 C,但是整句话中对 proteins 的解释和原文是不符的,是典型的细节迷惑型选项。正确答案为 D,对 proteins 的正确解释。





What had the man assumed about human impact on the environment?

A. That human impact on the environment is difficult to measure

B. That humans have only recently had an impact on the environment

C. That human impact on the environment is always harmful

D. That human impact on the environment cannot be avoided

这道题正确答案是 C。很多同学认为 C 选项的描述过于绝对或者不符合事实所以直接主观排除,但是这道题的题干是一道转述型细节题,即问的是文中的男生过去认为人类对环境的影响是什么情况?C 选项确实是原文中男生的想法。





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